prace domowe

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question réponse
wyczyścić dywan
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clean the carpet
posprzątaj stół
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clean up the table
wykonywać prace domowe
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do household jobs
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do the ironing
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do the washing
myc naczynia
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do the washing-up
Zasuń zasłony
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draw the curtains
wycierać naczynia
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dry the dishes
ścierać kurze
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dust the surfaces
wyjmowac naczynia ze zmywarki
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empty the dishwasher
nakarmić kota
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feed the cat
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skladać pranie
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fold the washing
wieszać pranie
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hung up the washing
prasować ubrania
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iron clothes
napełnić zmywarkę
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load the diswasher
Zamknąć drzwi na klucz
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lock the door
słać łóżko
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make the bed
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myć podłogę mopem
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mop the floor
kosić trawę
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mow the lawn
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put away
spuścić rolety
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roll down the blinds
odprowadzić kogoś do domu
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see somebody home
dzielić sie pracami domowymi
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share the housework
zostawać w domu
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stay in
przebywac poza domem
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stay out
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switch on
robić coś na zmianę
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take it in turns to do
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throw away
odkurzyć dywan
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vacuum the carpet
podlewać rośliny
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water the plants

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