to possess the required qualifications — posiadać wymagane kwalifikacje commencer à apprendre
to possess the required qualifications - have the required qualifications
to acquire the neccessary skills — zdobyć wymagane umiejętności commencer à apprendre
to acquire the neccessary skills - gain the required skills
to be a good employee — być dobrym pracownikiem commencer à apprendre
to be a good employee - be a good employee
to be self-employed — prowadzić jednoosobową działalność gospodarczą commencer à apprendre
to be self-employed - run a sole proprietorship
to earn a lot — wiele zarabiać commencer à apprendre
to earn a lot - earn a lot
to have a freelance job — wykonywać pracę na zlecenie commencer à apprendre
to work flexible hours — mieć elastyczny czas pracy commencer à apprendre
to work flexible hours - have flexible working hours
to work fixed hours — mieć sztywny czas pracy commencer à apprendre
to work fixed hours - have a fixed working time
to be appointed President — zostać mianowanym na prezesa commencer à apprendre
to be appointed President - to be appointed president
to be good with computers — umieć obsługiwać komputery commencer à apprendre
to be good with computers - be able to use computers
to get a raise — dostać podwyżkę commencer à apprendre
to get a raise - get a raise
to receive perks — otrzymywać dodatki do wynagrodzenia commencer à apprendre
to receive perks - receive pay supplements
to apply for a job — ubiegać się o pracę commencer à apprendre
to apply for a job - apply for a job
to be on maternity leave — być na urlopie commencer à apprendre
macierzyńskim to go on sick leave — pójść na zwolnienie chorobowe commencer à apprendre
maternity to go on sick leave - go on sick leave
to take a day off — wziąć jeden dzień wolnego commencer à apprendre
to take a day off - take one day off
to go on vacation — pójść na urlop commencer à apprendre
to go on vacation - go on vacation
to get promoted — dostać awans commencer à apprendre
to get promoted - get promoted
to be invited for an interview — otrzymać zaproszenie na rozmowę kwalifikacyjną commencer à apprendre
to be invited for an interview - receive an invitation to an interview
to quit a job — zwolnić się z pracy commencer à apprendre
to quit a job - free yourself from work
to apply for a particular post — ubiegać się o określone stanowisko commencer à apprendre
to apply for a particular post - apply for a specific position
to fill in an application form — wypełniać formularz podania o pracę commencer à apprendre
to fill in an application form - complete the job application form
to manage a company — zarządzać firmą commencer à apprendre
to manage a company - manage the company
to be a... by trade — być z zawodu... commencer à apprendre
to be a ... by trade - to be by profession...
to earn a living — zarabiać na życie commencer à apprendre
to earn a living - earn a living
to have a demanding boss — mieć wymagającego szefa commencer à apprendre
to have a demanding boss - to have a demanding boss
to be poorly paid — otrzymywać małą wypłatę commencer à apprendre
to be poorly paid - receive a small payment
to be taken advantage of — być wykorzystywanym commencer à apprendre
to be taken advantage of - be used
to work in lousy working conditions — pracować w nędznych warunkach commencer à apprendre
to work in lousy working conditions - to work in miserable conditions
to be made redundant — być zwolnionym commencer à apprendre
to be made redundant - be fired
to get sacked — wylecieć z pracy commencer à apprendre
to get sacked - get out of work
to be fired — wylecieć z pracy commencer à apprendre
to be fired - get out of work
to be dismissed — zostać zwolnionym commencer à apprendre
to be dismissed - be released
to have no education — nie mieć wykształcenia commencer à apprendre
to have no education - have no education
to have little experience — posiadać niewielkie commencer à apprendre
to have little experience - have little experience
doświadczenie to work shifts — wykonywać pracę na zmiany commencer à apprendre
experience is work shifts - doing shift work
to work as an intern — pracować na stażu commencer à apprendre
to work as an intern - work on an internship
to be a manual worker — być pracownikiem fizycznym commencer à apprendre
to be a manual worker - be a manual worker
to be a rookie — być żółtodziobem commencer à apprendre
to be a rookie - be a rookie
to be a workaholic — być pracoholikiem commencer à apprendre
to be a workaholic - be a workaholic
to work overtime — robić nadgodziny commencer à apprendre
to work overtime - doing overtime
to work long hours — pracować długo commencer à apprendre
to work long hours - work long
to pay income tax — płacić podatek dochodowy commencer à apprendre
to pay income tax - pay income tax
to go on strike — strajkować commencer à apprendre
then go on strike - go out
to be unemployed/jobless — być bezrobotnym commencer à apprendre
to be unemployed / jobless - be unemployed
to talk shop — rozmawiać na tematy zawodowe commencer à apprendre
to talk shop - talk about professional topics
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worker/employee — pracownik commencer à apprendre
worker / employee - employee
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management — kierownictwo commencer à apprendre
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job application — podanie o pracę commencer à apprendre
job application - job application
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interview — rozmowa kwalifikacyjna commencer à apprendre
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basic skills — podstawowe kwalifikacje commencer à apprendre
basic skills - basic qualifications
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occupation/profession — zawód commencer à apprendre
occupation / profession - occupation
canteen/cafeteria — stołówka commencer à apprendre
canteen / cafeteria - canteen
lunch break — przerwa na lunch commencer à apprendre
lunch break - lunch break
trade union — związek zawodowy commencer à apprendre
trade union - trade union
unemployment benefit — zasiłek dla bezrobotnych commencer à apprendre
unemployment benefit - unemployment benefit
dole — zasiłek night shift — nocna zmiana commencer à apprendre
below - night shift allowance - night shift
retirement — przejście na emeryturę commencer à apprendre
early retirement — przejście na wcześniejszą emeryturę commencer à apprendre
early retirement - early retirement
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sick leave — zwolnienie lekarskie commencer à apprendre
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unemployment — bezrobocie commencer à apprendre
unemployment - unemployment
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resignation - resignation
by-product — produkt uboczny commencer à apprendre
by-product - a by-product
well-paid — dobrze płatna commencer à apprendre
interesting — interesująca commencer à apprendre
interesting - interesting
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unskllied — niewymagająca commencer à apprendre
kwalfikacji steady — stała commencer à apprendre
steady calibration - constant
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badly-paid — słabo płatna commencer à apprendre
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stiff boring — śmiertelnie nudna commencer à apprendre
stiff boring - deadly boring
dead end job — bez perspektyw commencer à apprendre
dead end job - no prospects
undemanding — niewymagająca commencer à apprendre
undemanding - undemanding
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full-time — praca na pełnym etacie commencer à apprendre
full-time - full-time work
part-time — wykonywana w niepełnym wymiarze godzin commencer à apprendre
part-time - performed on a part-time basis
nine-to-five — w wymiarze ośmiu godzin dziennie commencer à apprendre
nine-to-five - eight hours a day
skilled — wymagająca kwalfikacji commencer à apprendre
skilled - requiring qualification
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piecework - for piece work
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office worker — pracownik umysłowy commencer à apprendre
office worker - a white-collar worker
white-collar — pracownik umysłowy commencer à apprendre
white-collar - a white collar worker
physical worker — pracownik fizyczny commencer à apprendre
physical worker - a physical worker
blue-collar — pracownik przemysłowy commencer à apprendre
blue-collar - industrial worker
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taxi driver - taxi driver
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railway employee — kolejarz commencer à apprendre
railway employee - railwayman
conservator — konserwator commencer à apprendre
conservator - conservator
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interior designer — dekorator wnętrz commencer à apprendre
interior designer - interior decorator
farm worker/farmer — rolnik commencer à apprendre
farm worker / farmer - farmer
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hotel receptionist — recepcjonista commencer à apprendre
hotel receptionist - receptionist
hardware/software engineer — informatyk commencer à apprendre
hardware / software engineer - IT specialist
skiing instructor — instruktor narciarstwa commencer à apprendre
skiing instructor - skiing instructor
diving instructor — instruktor nurkowania commencer à apprendre
diving instructor - a diving instructor
swimming instructor — instruktor pływania commencer à apprendre
swimming instructor - swimming instructor
tennis instructor — instruktor tenisa commencer à apprendre
tennis instructor - tennis instructor
windsurfing instructor — instruktor windserfingu commencer à apprendre
windsurfing instructor - windsurfing instructor
fitness instructor — instruktor fitness commencer à apprendre
fitness instructor - fitness instructor
cashier/checkout assistant — kasjer commencer à apprendre
cashier / checkout assistant - cashier
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software developer — programista commencer à apprendre
software developer - programmer
real estate agent — agent biura nieruchomości commencer à apprendre
real estate agent - real estate agent
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librarian — pracownik bibliteki commencer à apprendre
librarian - employee of the library
manicurist — manikiurzystka commencer à apprendre
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hairdresser - hairdresser
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baby sitter — opiekunka do dzieci commencer à apprendre
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school teacher — przedszkolanka commencer à apprendre
school teacher - kindergarten teacher
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policewoman — policjantka commencer à apprendre
policewoman - policewoman
businesswoman — kobieta biznesu commencer à apprendre
businesswoman - business woman
flight attendant — stewardesa commencer à apprendre
flight attendant - flight attendant
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repairer - service technician
household appliances repairer — serwisant sprzętu gospodarstwa domowego commencer à apprendre
household appliances repairer - home appliances technician
radio repairer — serwisant sprzętu telewizyjnego commencer à apprendre
radio repairer - television equipment technician
construction equipement operator — operator sprzętu budowlanego commencer à apprendre
construction equipement operator - construction equipment operator
car mechanic — mechanik samochodowy commencer à apprendre
car mechanic - car mechanic
decorator — malarz wnętrz commencer à apprendre
decorator - interior painter
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upholsterer - upholsterer
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gas welder — spawacz gazowy commencer à apprendre
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electrician - electrician
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fitter — monter instalacji commencer à apprendre
fitter - installation fitter
central heating system fitter — monter instalacji centralnego ogrzewania commencer à apprendre
central heating system fitter - a central heating installation fitter
gas fitter — monter instalacji ogrzewania gazowego commencer à apprendre
gas fitter - gas heating fitter
plumbing system fitter — monter instalacji wodnokanalizacyjnych commencer à apprendre
plumbing system fitter - fitter of plumbing installations
TV aerial fitter — monter instalacji telewizyjnych commencer à apprendre
TV aerial fitter - television installation fitter
satelite receiver fitter — monter instalacji anten satelitarnych commencer à apprendre
satelite receiver fitter - fitter installing satellite antennas
martial arts instructor — instruktor sztuk walki commencer à apprendre
martial arts instructor - martial arts instructor
bodybuilding instructor — instruktor kulturystyki commencer à apprendre
bodybuilding instructor - bodybuilding instructor
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electronic engineer — elektronik commencer à apprendre
electronic engineer - electronics engineer
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male nurse - a male nurse
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firefighter - firefighter
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businessman - businessman
undertaker — przedsiębiorca pogrzebowy commencer à apprendre
undertaker - a funeral director