praca biuro

 0    26 fiche    dominika95kowalska
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question réponse
odebrac telefon
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answer the phone
czy mogę zadzwonić późnjej
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Can I call you later
zadzwonię w poniedziałek
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I'll call you on Monday
proszę tutaj usiąść
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Please, sit here
czy podać coś do picia
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Would you like something to drink
pan Tomasz jest na spotkaniu.
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Mr. Tomasz is at the meeting.
proszę zaczekać 20 minut.
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Please wait 20 minutes.
prosze wejsc tedy
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Please enter then
tam jest pokoj
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there is a room
musisz isc na gore i skrecic w prawo
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you have to go up and turn right
ktory klucz jest dla mnie
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which key is for me
muszę iść wydrukowac dokumenty
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I have to go print the documents
jak lubisz spedzac wolny czas
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how do you like spend free time
lubie spotykac sie ze znajomymi, chodzic na zakupy i gotowac
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I like meeting friends, going shopping and cooking
co lubisz gotowac
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What do you like to cook
lubie gotowac spaghetti i indyka w miodzie
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I like to cook spaghetti and turkey in honey
lubie podrozowac, moim ulubionym miejscem jest majorka ponoewaz jest tam duzo slonecznych dni i ludzie sa bardzo mili
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I like traveling, my favorite place is Majorca ponoewaz there is a lot of sunny days and people are very nice
dwa razy
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a bill
ktory chlopak jest fajny
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which boy is cool
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ile to kosztuje
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how much it costs
pracujemy od godziny 8 do 16
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we work from 8am to 4pm
biuro w weekend jest nieczynne
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The office is closed on the weekend
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