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Télécharger mP3 Imprimer jouer consultez
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as big as house
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tak duży jak byk
as black as pitch
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czarne jak smoła
as blind as a mole
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ślepy jak kret
as brave as a lion
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tak odważny jak lew
as brittle as a glass
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kruchy jak szkło
as busy as a bee
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zajęty jak pszczoła
as cheap as a dirt
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tani jak barszcz
as clear as day
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jasne jak słońce
as cold as ice
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zimne jak lód
as cool as cucumber
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as cunning as fox
commencer à apprendre
przebiegły jak lis
as deaf as a post
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głuchy jak pień
as drunk as lord
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pijany jak szewc
as dry as bone
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suche jak pieprz
as dull as ditch-wather
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nudny jak flaki z olejem
as dumb as an ox
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głupi jak wół
as easy as pie
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as easy as ABC
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as far as eye can see
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jak okiem sięgnąć
as fat as pig
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tak gruby jak beczka
as fit as fiddle
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zdrowy jak ryba
as free as bird
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wolny jak ptak
as fresh as a daisy
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świeży jak pączek róży
as gentle as a lamb
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łagodny jak baranek
as good as new
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jak nowy
as happy as lark
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szczęśliwy jak skowronek
as hard as nails
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twardy jak kamień
as hungry as a bear
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tak głodny jak wilk
as light as feather
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lekki jak piórko
as neat as pin
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jak spod igły
as old as the hills
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stary jak świat
as pale as a death
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blady jak ściana
as poor as a church mouse
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biedny jak mysz kościelna
as pretty as a picture
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jak z obrazka
as proud as a peacock
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dumny jak paw
as pure as driven snow
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czysty jak łza
as quiet as a mouse
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cicho jak mysz
as regular as clockwork
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jak w zegarku
as right as rain
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zdrów jak ryba
as sharp as knife
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ostry jak nóż
as silent as the grave
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cicho jak w grobie
as slow as snail
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powolny jak ślimak
as sober as a judge
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absolutnie trzeźwy
as soft as silk
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tak miękki jak jedwab
as sound as a bell
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zdrów jak koń
as still as mouse
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jak mysz pod miotłą
as stubborn as mule
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uparty jak osioł
as sure as fate
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pewny jak amen w pacierzu
as thick as two short planks
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głupi jak but
as thin as a rake
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chuda jak szczapa
as ugly as night
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brzydka jak noc
as week as kitten
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słaby jak zając
as white as a ghost
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biały jak śnieg

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