Polli 7

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question réponse
the mole
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la talpa
I had to go home
Musialam wrócić do domu
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sono dovuta tornare a casa
decide to
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decidere di
uszkodzenie, szkoda
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il danno
I did not notice
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Non mi sono accorta
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da qualche parte
wait for the call
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aspettare la chiamata/la telefonata
answer, answered
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rispondere, risposto
the camera
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la telecamera
the cost of the repair
koszty naprawy
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il costo della riparazione
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prevedere, previsto
thunderstorms were forecast
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erano previsti temporali
Being sleepy
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avere sonno
I employed it
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ci ho impiegato
the municipality of
gmina, miasto
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il comune di
when was the last time?
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quando è stata l'ultima volta?
jakieś, kilka
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the Julian Alps
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le alpi giulie
I do not know how to explain it to you
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Non so come spiegartelo
sentimentally linked to these mountains
sentymentalnie związany z górami
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legata sentimentalmente a queste montagne
It's my husband's birthday
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è il compleanno di mio marito
I wanted to give him this trip as a gift
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volevo dargli come regalo questo viaggio
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breve, corti
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capitare, succedere
Has this ever happened to you?
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Ti è mai capitato/ successo?
Have you ever gone to Spain?
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Ti è mai capitato di andare in Spagna?
how come/why?
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come mai/perchè?
the aperitif
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a very popular destination
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una meta molto gettonata
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anything could happen
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tutto può succedere
nice girl/girl
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My parents took me
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I miei genitori mi portavano
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maybe I'm wrong
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forse mi sbaglio
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la caccia
hit on somebody
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andare a caccia
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il passo
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I carboidrati
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il percorso
the walk
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la camminata
the shelter
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il rifugio
We don't stay long
nie zatrzymujemy się na długo
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Non ci fermiamo a lungo
the stop
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la sosta
we often make stops but short ones
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facciamo spesso delle soste ma brevi
mortal accident
wypadek śmiertelny
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incidente mortale
people think
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la gente pensa
people think
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le persone pensano
the valley
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la valle
there is silence
jest cisza
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c'è silenzio
no sens
nie ma sensu
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Non serve
it's annoying
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è fastidiosa
The best solution
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La soluzione migliore
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andare in bici
more often
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più spesso
when I was a child
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quando ero bambina/da bambina
a second course of study
drugi kierunek studiów
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un secondo indirizzo di studi
Was there a period of time that you stopped?
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c'è stato un periodo che sei rimasta ferma?
if I remember correctly
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se ricordo bene
from what I remember
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da quello che ricordo
to stop
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I learned
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ho imparato
shopping center
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il centro commerciale
the difference between me and my husband
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la differenza tra me e mio marito
we see
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