Polli 4

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the beauty spot
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il neo
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le lentiggini
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il corpo
I want to relax
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ho voglia di rilassarmi
What do you plan to prepare for tomorrow?
Co planujesz, co myślisz przygotowac na jutro
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Che cosa pensi di preparare per domani?
Have you already bought everything?
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Hai già comprato tutto?
I bought everything yesterday
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Ho comprato ieri tutto
How many friends has your husband invited?
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Quanti amici ha invitato tuo marito?
I don't celebrate my birthday
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Io non festeggio il mio compleanno
He and his friends want to fix the car
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Lui e suoi amici vogliono riparare la macchina
I don't want to know
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Non voglio saperlo
We're at home but I want to go to the mountains perhaps alone
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stiamo a casa però ho voglia di andare in montagna magari da sola
Are the mountains far away?
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Sono lontane le montagne?
in the past
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in passato
I had nothing interesting to do at that time
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Non avevo niente di interessante da fare in quel periodo
it's good now!
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adesso è a posto!
The shops were open
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I negozi erano aperti
Not what I wanted
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Non quello che volevo
w połowie drogi
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a metà strada
fifteen minutes
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un quarto d'ora
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Approximately how many people live in Libiąż?
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Quante persone abitano più o meno a Libiąż?
perhaps there are 20 thousand inhabitants
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forse ci sono 20mila abitanti
Do you live in a building or a villa?
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Abitate in palazzo o in una villetta?
Do you have animals?
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Avete degli animali?
A dog and a cat from my parents
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Un cane e un gatto dei miei genitori
in the same time
w tym samym czasie
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allo stesso tempo
at the same time
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1 dniowa wycieczka
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la gita
he liked it a lot
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gli è piaciuto molto
narzuta na łóżko, pościel
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il copriletto
Would it be a problem to move our lesson to next week?
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sarebbe un problema spostare la nostra lezione settimana prossima?
I don't know when I'll finish
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Non so quando finisco
I'm so sorry you're so sick
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mi dispiace molto che stai così male
get well soon!
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guarisci presto!
priority to people with reduced mobility
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priorità alle persone con mobilità ridotta
in case of emergency
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in caso di emergenza
the emergency door
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la porta di emergenza
reserved for customers
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riservato ai clienti
a chi è riservato il parcheggio
I left the house early this morning
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stamattina sono uscita di casa prima
can we meet a little earlier?
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possiamo vederci un po' prima?
before leaving
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prima di andare via
before eating
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prima di mangiare
before you
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prima di te
before tomorrow
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prima di domani
think before you judge
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pensa prima di giudicare
try to think
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prova a pensare
before dinner
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prima di cena
before marriage
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prima del matrimonio
before the lesson
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prima della lezione
before the meeting begins
przed rozpoczęciem zebrania
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prima dell'inizio della riunione
He doesn't understand, he doesn't understand much
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Non capisce, non capisce molto
the driver
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il guidatore
Is the place where you work far away?
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è lontano il posto dove lavori?
I received
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ho ricevuto
I can not open it
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Non posso aprirlo
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I'm joking, I'm joking
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sto scherzando, scherzo
I promise
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Ti prometto
But you're crazy
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Ma sei matto
where is the swimming pool?
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dov'è la piscina?
To get to the pool you have to
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Per arrivare alla piscina devi
you have to turn left and continue straight until the street...
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devi girare a sinistra e continuare dritto fino alla via...
when you see the supermarket on the left, turn right and go to the roundabout
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quando vedi sulla sinistra il supermercato gira a destra e andate alla rotonda
then turn right at the first intersection turn left
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poi gira a destra al primo incrocio gira a sinistra poi vedi la piscina
the swimming pool is on the left/left
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la piscina si trova sulla sinistra/a sinistra
In front of the park
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Di fronte al parco
Good fun!
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Buon divertimento!
level of
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livello di
It's quite cold today
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oggi fa piuttosto freddo
to have a finger in every pie
być zaangażowanym w dużo rzeczy
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avere le mani in pasta
to be on cloud nine
być w 7 niebie
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essere al settimo cielo
take it for yourself!
zachować dla siebie
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acqua in bocca!

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