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glosowac w wyborach
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vote in elections
skazać kogoś na
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condemn someone to, sentencje sb
ograniczyć bezrobocie
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reduce unemployment
podnieść pensje
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raise salaries
zapłacić karę
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pay the penalty, psy a fine
obniżyć podatki
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reduce taxes, lower taxes
usprawnić opiekę zdrowotną
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improve healthcare
iść do więzienia
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go to prison, go to jail
przedstawić dowody
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provide evidence
uznać kogoś winnym
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to find someone guilty
zwalczać ubóstwo
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fight poverty
rozwinąć infrastrukture (transportową)
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develop (transport) infrastructure
bronić praw człowieka
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defend human rights
dokonać wykroczenia
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commit an offense
zwalczać przestępczość
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fight crime, combat crime
złamac prawo
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break the law
być oskarżonym o coś
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be accused of something, be charged with
zostać aresztowanym
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to be arrested
być wbrew prawu
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be against the law
zwracać uwagę mediów
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attract media attention
palacy problem
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an urgent problem
zamachowiec samobójca
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suicide bomber
walczyć o
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fight for, struggle for
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famine, starvation
zespół ratowniczy
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rescue team
zbierać pieniądze
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to raised money
pokojowa opozycja
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peaceful opposition
proces pokojowy
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peace process
protest pokojowy (bez przemocy)
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peace protest (non-violent)
konflikt zbrojny
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military conflict
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organizacja humanitarna
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humanitarian organization
prawa człowieka
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human rights
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pomoc żywnościowa
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food aid
grupa etniczna
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an ethnic group
ladowanie awaryjne
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Emergency landing
ofiary wojny
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to introduce, to carry out
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to break out
glosowac na
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vote for
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partia polityczna
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a political party
głowa państwa
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head of state
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an election
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a coalition
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a citizen
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border, frontier

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