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question American English réponse American English
a piece of paper you write your vote on
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a ballot paper
the box you put your ballot paper in, once you have written your vote on it
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a ballot box
place where votes are cast
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polling station
to vote
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to cast a vote
an election where a number of parties win a similar number of constituencies/votes
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a close-run election
an area/town represented in parliament by one politician
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a constituency
sb who lives in a particular constituency
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an attempt often violent by citizens the military to take control of the governmnet
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a coup attempt
all the people entitled to vote in an election
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the electorate
a risk one taked which has positive results
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a gamble pays off
to hold an election
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to go to the polls
a victory in an election where one party wins many more votes than the other parties
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a landslide victory
to win by an overhelming majority/
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/to win by a slim/narrow majority
the collected result of asking people what their opinions are
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an opinion poll
to remove a government illegally and by force
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to overthrow the government
inflation that is out of control
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rampant/galloping inflation
very loyal to, and a strong believer in
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a staunch (stoncz)
to deal with/solve a problem
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to tackle a problem
to spoil the good opinion that people have if sth/sb
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to tarnish sb's/sth's reputation
to get business y doing more advertising and promotionalwork
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to drum up business
an opportunity to sell a particular product/service because nobody else is selling that product/service
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a gap in the market for sth
to have soent more money than you have in your bank account
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to be overdrawn at the bank
to have problems
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to run into difficulties/problems
to keep borrowing money so that you make your debts bigger
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to run up a debt
to deal with sth and solve it
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to sort sth out
small problems that sb experiences when first starting a business/project
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teething troubles

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