połączenia kończyny dolnej

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question réponse
staw krzyżowo-biodrowy
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sacro-iliac joint, anterior sacro-iliac ligaments, interosseous sacro-iliac ligaments, posterior sacro-iliac ligaments, iliolumbal ligaments, sacrotuberous ligament, sacrospinous ligament
spojenie łonowe
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pubic symphysis, interpubic disc, symphysis cave, retropubic eminence, superior pubic ligament, arcuate pubic ligament, subpubic angle
więzozrosty obręczy kończyny dolnej
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syndesmoses of pelvic giralle, obturator membrane, obturator foramen, obturator canal, sacrospinous ligament, sacrotuberous ligament, falciform process, pudendal canal, inguinal ligament
otwory kulszowe
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greater sciatic foramen, suprapiriform foramen, infrapiriform foramen, lesser sciatic foramen
staw biodrowy
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hip joint, acetabular labrum, acetabulum, lunate surface, iliofemoral ligament, pubofemoral ligament, ischiofemoral ligament, zona orbicularis, transverse acetabular ligament, ligament of head of femur
staw kolanowy 1
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knee joint, medial/lateral meniscus, infrapatellar synovial fold, alar folds, infrapatellar fat-pad, bursae, transverse l. of knee, meniscofemoral ls, anterior/posterior cruciate l, patellar l
staw kolanowy 2
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medial/lateral patellar retinaculum, fibular/tibial collateral l, oblique/arcuate popliteal l
połączenia w obrębie goleni
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tibiofibular joint, anterior/posterior lig of fibular head, interosseous membrane of leg, tibiofibular syndesmosis, anterior/posterior tibiofibular ligs

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