Pogoda i klimat

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question réponse
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frosty / chilly
bezchmurne niebo
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clear / cloudless sky
nieustający/ słaby deszcz
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constant / light rain
stopnie celsjusza
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degrees Celsius / centigrade
gęsta mgła
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dense / heavy / thick fog
spaść do ... stopni (o temperaturze)
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drop / fall to ... degrees
ekstremalne warunki pogodowe
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extreme weather conditions
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foggy / misty
prognoza prognozować (pogode)
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wzrastać do ... stopni
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go up / rise to ... degrees
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piorun, błyskawica
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pochmurne niebo
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overcast sky
bardzo słonecznie
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plenty of sunshine
dochodzić do ... stopni (o temperaturze)
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reach ... degrees
przelotny deszcz; deszczowy, z przelotnymi deszczami
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shower / showery
okres brzydkiej pogody
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spell of bad weather
burza; burzowy
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storm / stormy
grzmot; burzowy
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thunder / thundery
burza z piorunami
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