Podstawowe zwroty lekcja 2

 0    26 fiche    joannagalica
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question réponse
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vær så god
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you're welcome
væer så snill
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god morgen
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good morning
god natt
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good night
vi ses
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see you later
ha det
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good bye
hyggelig å treffe deg
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nice to meet you
hvordan går det met deg?
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how are you
hvordan har du det?
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how are you?
veldig bra
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very good
og med deg?
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and you?
står det bra til?
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Jak leci?
ikke verst, takk
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not bad, thank you
hva heter du?
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what's your name?
hvor er du fra? Hvor kommer du fra?
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where are you from? Where are you from?
Jeg er fra Polen
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I am from Poland
hvor bor du?
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where do you live?
jeg bor utenfor selve bykjernen
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I live outside the city center itself
hvilke språk snakker du?
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what languages do you speak?
jeg snakker polsk, engelsk, arabisk, tysk
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i speak polish, english, arabic, german
hvordan sier man det på norsk?
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how do you say it in norwegian?

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