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przyszlam prosto z pracy
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I came straight from work
wrocilam do domu o 18
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I returned home at 18
To jest trudne
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This is difficult
lecę do Polski ale nie wiem gdzie jest mój samolot
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I'm flying to Poland but I don't know where my plane is
Ona go nie kocha
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She doesn't love him
zrobisz coś dla mnie
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will you do something for me
mam tu spotkanie
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I have a meeting here
nie byłam tam jeszcze
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I have not been there yet
Ona miała ładne rekawiczki
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She had nice gloves
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lecę do Polski 22 lipca, wracam 28
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I'm going to Poland on July 22nd, I'm coming back on the 28th
Ta torba jest za duża ale nie mam innej
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This bag is too big but I don't have another one
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mamy klopoty
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we are in trouble
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czy on może dzisiaj tu zaparkować?
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can he park here today?
On idzie do pracy jutro o 10 rano
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He goes to work tomorrow at 10 am
Ona miała zły dzień wczoraj
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She had a bad day yesterday
miałam wczoraj zły dzień
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I had a bad day yesterday
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I had
czy przygotowałeś tempurę
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have you prepared tempura
O której godzinie zamykacie kuchnie?
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What time do you close the kitchens?
czy ona ma prawo jazdy
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does she have a driving license
Gdzie jest garnek
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Where is the pot
Ona nie ma garnka
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She doesn't have a pot
rzadko kiedy
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hardly ever
przedstawić ci
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introduce you
Ona jest chuda.
Ona jest chuda
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She is thin.
słucham muzyki w drodze do pracy
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I listen to music on my way to work
jesteś nieuprzejmy
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you are rude
wciąż zapominam
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I keep forgetting

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