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Byłem rozwalony, rozstałem się z żoną commencer à apprendre
I was blown away / I was a mess I was a mess. I broke up with my wife.
Pomoże to zwiększyć pobudzenie, obudzi pasję. commencer à apprendre
It will help increase arousal, wake up the passion.
Szczególnie ważne jest tu niekonwencjonalne myślenie i pobudzenie wewnętrzne. commencer à apprendre
Especially important here are unconventional thinking and internal excitation.
A co w sytuacji, gdy ksiądz jako duszpasterz musi zabrać głos, kiedy jest zagrożona etyka w polityce? commencer à apprendre
And what about if a priest as a shepherd must present his opinion when ethics is threatened in politics?
Szafka na kółkach z szufladą na dokumenty, biały lakier. commencer à apprendre
Mobile cabinet with filing drawer, white lacquered.
To był duży, czerwony, puszysty kocyk. commencer à apprendre
It was a big, red, fluffy blanket.
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z racji [czegoś, ze względu na coś] Właściwym zwierzchnikiem jest taki, który jest nim z racji charakteru, urodzenia, obywatelstwa czy urzędu. commencer à apprendre
A proper superior is one which one has in virtue of nature, birth, citizenship or duty.
Dobra, wygląda na to, że jestem na twoje skinienie. commencer à apprendre
Fine, I guess I'm at your beck.
Otrzymany w ten sposób deflator łączny na lata 2004-2007 wynosi 6,1208 %. commencer à apprendre
The resulting cumulative deflator for the period 2004-2007 amounts to 6.1208 %.
Druga część powinna więc przynieść oczekiwane rozluźnienie. commencer à apprendre
The second part should therefore yield the desired anticlimax.
Z własnego doświadczenia wiem, że trzeba było by się mocno starać. commencer à apprendre
From my own experience I know that it was necessary to firmly endeavor.
Znika po porodzie i może powtarzać się w kolejnych ciążach. commencer à apprendre
It disappears after delivery and can recur in the successive pregnancies.
W części kostnej wstawiono wymienne stawy biodrowe. commencer à apprendre
In the bone part removable hip joints are inserted.
Więc nie mogę się doczekać każdego z nich. commencer à apprendre
I look forward to / I can not wait And I look forward to every one of them.
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coconut shreds / shavings / flakes
Zrobiłeś wejście smoka za późno, skarbeńku. commencer à apprendre
You're making your big entrance too late, love.
Czy muszę wyrzekać się drugiej? commencer à apprendre
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This hearing provides you with an opportunity to be heard before an action is taken against your driving privilege.
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If you have too many points on your driver’s record, you will be considered a negligent driver.
przeszkadzać, wtrącać się, zaburzać, ingerować commencer à apprendre
to disturb, to interfere, to disturb, to interfere Not interfere with a funeral procession. A funeral procession is led by a traffic officer and has the right-of-way.
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An alley is any road no wider than 25 feet that is used to access the rear or side entrances of buildings or properties.
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Do not drive over or under the speed limit. You may be cited if you do.
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It is against the law to follow within 300 feet of any emergency vehicle.
zjedź (dosł. przesuń się) commencer à apprendre
When approaching a stationary emergency vehicle with flashing emergency signal lights (hazard lights), move over and slow down.
brać zamach, jechać szerokim łukiem commencer à apprendre
to swing, take a swing, drive in a wide arc large vehicles and truck drivers must often swing wide to complete a turn
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Do not honk your horn at a blind person.
nieoznaczone przejście dla pieszych commencer à apprendre
Pedestrians have the right-of-way in marked or unmarked crosswalks.
nieoznakowane skrzyżowanie bez sygnalizacji świetlnej commencer à apprendre
uncontrolled and blind intersection
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Cancel the turn signal once completed.
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Move completely onto the right shoulder, even if in the carpool/HOV lane.
niemożliwe do pominięcia, nieuniknione commencer à apprendre
So due to our history there is an inescapable (though often negative) God-reference in the very nature of our secular age
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There is something in the move to the mind-centred view which has given us a fatal susceptibility to atomistic theories.
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Or the boundary is, in an image I want to use here, porous.
okrakiem się umiejscawiać commencer à apprendre
Rather the meaning is in a kind of interspace which straddles what for us is a clear boundary.
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Demons may possess us, but God or the Holy Spirit enter us, or quicken us from within
w pewnym sensie... zaćmienie... commencer à apprendre
in a sense/way... an eclipse... But in a sense, any evil influence involves some eclipse of the highest capacities in us.
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Evil spirits are beings who will us evil, and can bring about conditions in which evil befalls
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a well-known example of influence inhering in an inanimate substance
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black bile is not the cause of melancholy, it embodies, it is melancholy
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redolent, evoking, fragrant Our vulnerability goes beyond them to things which have no wills, but are nevertheless redolent with the evil meanings.
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relegation of the physical to being “just” a contingent cause of the psychic (and not spiritual)
wymusza, wymaga, narzuca konieczność commencer à apprendre
necessitate, forces, requires, imposes necessity the buffered understanding necessitates distancing from the realities present within me that brought a certain meaning to my essence.
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uncanny... thrill, frisson So people go to movies about the uncanny in order to experience a frisson.
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In espousing them seriously one goes against the grain of the modern identity in a fundamental way.
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But just as there were people then who in their crass use of sacred objects or acts seemed to approach the modern instrumentalization of healing substances
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But this is just another facet of the basic fact that the boundary around the mind was constitutionally porous
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This persisted right up to the Renaissance.
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oath of allegiance, loyalty
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Możesz tylko wrzucić na przód i wsteczny. commencer à apprendre
You can only put it in forward or reverse
Cofaj aż egzaminator powie stop commencer à apprendre
Keep reversing until instructed by the examiner to stop
koperta (parkowanie równoległe) commencer à apprendre
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take the u-turn when possible
na luzie... hamulec ręczny... Samochód jest na luzie, a hamulec ręczny jest zwolniony. commencer à apprendre
neutral... hand brake / emergency brake / parking brake... The car is in neutral and the hand brake / emergency brake / parking brake is off
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Skręć w prawo w boczną ulicę commencer à apprendre
Turn right onto the side street
Zaparkuj między pachołkami commencer à apprendre
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Ustąp pierwszeństwa (nadjeżdżającym) commencer à apprendre
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an intersection, a crossroad
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sygnalizacja świetlna (zaraz) commencer à apprendre
traffic lights/signal ahead
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Tailgating makes it harder for you to see the road ahead because the vehicle in front of you blocks your view.
Kraty na moście... żwir... commencer à apprendre
Bridge gratings... gravel... Following motorcyclists on metal surfaces (bridge gratings, railroad tracks, etc.), and gravel.
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dim your high-beam headlights Dim your high-beam headlights to avoid blinding the driver of an oncoming vehicle.
Blask słoneczny... osłona przeciwsłoneczna... commencer à apprendre
sun glare... car visor...
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Avoid areas like ice patches, wet leaves.
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Take your foot off the gas pedal / accelerator
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accelerator pedal / gas pedal
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Steer in the direction you want the front wheels to go. For example, if your rear wheels are sliding left, steer left.
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Try to get a wheel on dry pavement.
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A locked wheel skid is usually caused by braking too hard when you are going too fast.
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Release the brake a little / Ease up on the brake pedal Ease up on the brake pedal while maintaining just enough pressure to allow the front wheels to roll again so you can steer.
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Pump your brake / Press the brake If your vehicle is not equipped with ABS and begins to skid, quickly pump your brakes until you are at a safe speed.
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(down) shift to a lower gear down shift your vehicle into a lower or neutral gear to slow down.
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Bridges and overpasses tend to freeze before the rest of the road.
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(samochodem) commencer à apprendre
to steer around, to get around Steer around standing water, if possible.
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Slow down if you hear sloshing sounds from the tires.
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Hydroplaning is a vehicle riding on water because the tires lose all contact with the road.
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Gently step on the accelerator
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resztki, odpady, odrzutki commencer à apprendre
pieces of wood, metal, building materials, etc. that are left after something has been destroyed
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Tempomat, utrzymywanie prędkości commencer à apprendre
Cruise control, speed maintenance
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światła drogowe (przednie) commencer à apprendre
Wiązka, strumień, promień, snop (np. swiatła) commencer à apprendre
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Światła awaryjne (trójkąt) commencer à apprendre
Emergency flashers / lights
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During a traffic break, the officer turns on their emergency lights and slowly weaves across lanes.
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Belts should be little to no slack.
Dopasowany, ciasny, przylegający commencer à apprendre
Adjust the lap belt so that it is snug and lies low across your hips.
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Place the shoulder strap between your breasts and to the side of your abdomen’s bulge.
powściągliwość, ograniczenie commencer à apprendre
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Mounting / restraint system federally-approved child passenger restraint system
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A bumpy, uneven, rough road
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DO NOT remove the key from the ignition.
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Grip the steering wheel firmly.
Wskaźnik (prędkości, temperatury) commencer à apprendre
Watch the temperature gauge.
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Według własnego uznania / nieobowiązkowo commencer à apprendre
Balustrada, barierka ochronna commencer à apprendre
it is safer to get out of your vehicle and stay away when there is a guardrail
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Towed vehicle / Car towed away
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To Fasten seatbelts / to buckle up
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Law officer, law enforcement officer, lawman, officer of the law
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When you consume alcohol, traces of it enter your bloodstream.
prowadzić pod wpływem (alkoholu) commencer à apprendre
driving under the influence (DUI)
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Depending on how badly you are impaired, you may be arrested and convicted of a DUI even without a BAC measurement.
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It is illegal to drink alcohol or take drugs when you are operating a boat, jet ski, water skis, aquaplane, or similar vessels.
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Unieważnić, cofnąć, uchylić commencer à apprendre
To annul, to revoke, to repeal If you refuse, DMV will suspend or revoke your driving privilege.
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If you are convicted of a DUI, DMV will suspend or revoke your driving Privilege.
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to impound, to confiscate Law enforcement may impound your vehicle and you may have to pay a storage fee.
Wstawiony nawalony podchmielony pijany commencer à apprendre
Buzzed, stoned, tipsy, drunk Buzzed Driving is Drunk Driving
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Fraudulent use of a Disabled Parking Placard is Against the Law
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seizure disorder, epilepsy
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Dizziness, dizzy, vertigo
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a scrape, scratch, rubbing Dents and scrapes on the car, fences, mailbox, garage doors, etc.
Mało brakowało, blisko, bliskie spotkanie trzeciego stopnia commencer à apprendre
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W produkcie nie ma również imitacji lub zafałszowanych substancji. commencer à apprendre
There are also no imitation or adulterated substances in the product.
podburzanie... moralne oburzenie commencer à apprendre
incitement... moral indignation / outrage psychological man is "capable of criticizing and altering the social situation," but without evoking in himself or others that most dubious of all incitements to change: moral indignation
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disobedience, rebellion, defiance Lawrence's "individual creature" appears in "defiance of all scientific law, in defiance even of reason"
pogarda, lekceważenie, wzgarda commencer à apprendre
contempt, disregard, contempt Romantic contempt for "mere intellect."
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unburdened, unloaded, unencumbered Some spontaneous rhythm—unencumbered by intellect
wybredny, grymaśny, marudny commencer à apprendre
cultural "super-ego" has aged into a fussy critic of the energetic
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zamożność, dobrobyt, dostatek commencer à apprendre
wealth, prosperity, abundance, affluence affluence may be the alternative to questionable renewals of religion
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zwolnienie, odpuszczenie, darowanie commencer à apprendre
wytrzymały, znośny, trwały commencer à apprendre
resistant, bearable, durable, endurable Jung does not believe men can make their lives endurable without constant revivals of commitment
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Reich's insistence that his theories were facts is so emphatic
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assign, attribute, allocate
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ridiculous, preposterous, ludicrous In Jung's view, to adopt an exclusively rational attitude to human psychology was not only inadequate but, in the light of history, preposterous.
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Jung's schizoid (i.e. withdrawn, aloof, and self-absorbed)
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point, essence, core, gist, crux The crux of the fantasy was the keep: it contained a wonderful secret of which Carl was the sole possessor.
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precipice, gap, abyss, gulf “An unbridgeable gulf opened between Jung and his father”
tendency, inclination commencer à apprendre
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“Freud wanted Jung to defer unconditionally to his authority and to perpetuate, without modification, the doctrines and principles of his rule.”
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statement, expression, speech commencer à apprendre
2 czasowniki. 3 formy. commencer à apprendre
to sew - sewed - sewn; to stitch
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prerequisite, precondition Jung: “The pre-requisite of a good marriage, it seems to me, is the licence to be unfaithful”
w sprzeczności, rozbieżne commencer à apprendre
in contradiction, at variance, at odds, divergent
bad feeling, bad vibe commencer à apprendre
wygrzewał się w... był zaszczycony... być uznanym... commencer à apprendre
basked in... was flattered... to be deemed... “Jung basked in Freud’s approval and was flattered to be deemed a worthy successor to him”
ground, base, foundation commencer à apprendre
“there must exist a dynamic psychic substratum, common to all humanity, on the basis of which each individual builds his or her private experience of life.”
popierać publicznie politykę lub działanie commencer à apprendre
“Jung knew that he could not endorse Freud’s ideas in their entirety”