PIT-A84 31.01

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question réponse
It doesn’t work.
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To nie działa.
It didn’t work.
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To nie działało.
attend the meeting
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uczestniczyć w spotkaniu
join the meeting
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dołącz do spotkania
I didn’t join the meeting.
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Nie dołączyłem do spotkania.
Join us!
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Dołącz do nas!
I won’t do it.
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nie zrobię tego.
I want to do it.
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Chcę to zrobić.
at the beginning of the week
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na początku tygodnia
the stage of the project
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etap projektu
I completed the initial stage of the project.
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Zakończyłam wstępny etap projektu.
commencer à apprendre

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