Piotrek 19th Aug (45 min)

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question réponse
Czy jesteś na jego imprezie urodzinowe?
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Are you AT his birthday party?
Czy twoja żona nadal śpi?
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Is your wife still asleep?
Musiałem wykonać kilka telefonów.
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I had to make a few calls.
Myślę, że ona powinna wziąć parasolkę.
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I think she should take an umbrella.
do NOT say: She should takeS an umbrella.
To może zająć kilka tygodni.
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It might take a few weeks.
Poczekaj chwilkę.
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Hold on a moment.
odebrać telefon
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to take a (phone) call
I tried to phone him, but he refused to take my call.
wykonać telefon / zadzwonić
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to make a phone call
never: do a phone call
kilka dni temu
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A few days ago
Ma zacząć się o szóstej.
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It's supposed to start at 6.
Miało zacząć się o szóstej.
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It was supposed to start at 6.
Ma padać
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It's supposed to rain.
Miało padać.
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It was supposed to rain.
Oni mieli skończyć w południe.
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They were supposed to finish at noon.
ostrzec kogoś
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to warn sb
Jaki jest cel Pańskiej podróży?
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What is the purpose of your trip?
business / study / pleasure
Czy spakował Pan tę walizkę sam?
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Did you pack this bag yourself?
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luggage / baggage
Czy to twój bagaż?
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Is it your luggage?
Proszę nie zostawiać bagaży bez opieki.
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Please do not leave any bags unattended.
Czy ma Pan coś do oclenia?
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Do you have anything to declare?
Wsiadamy na pokład samolotu teraz.
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We are boarding now.
Lot został odwołany.
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The flight has been cancelled.
karta pokładowa
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a boarding pass
zapnij pas
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fasten your belts
Ile ma Pan sztuk bagażu?
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How many pieces of luggage do you have?

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