Piotr_26th April

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question réponse
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set up a trip
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zorganizować wycieczkę
medical examinatiom
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badanie lekarskie
reserve a table
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zarezerwuj stolik
book a table
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zarezerwować stolik
We haven't seen each other for a long time.
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Nie widzieliśmy się od dawna.
It slipped my mind.
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Zapomniało mi się.
He is smart and clever.
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Jest mądry i sprytny.
the more, the better
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im więcej tym lepiej
play chess
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grać w szachy
my dad taught him to play chess
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mój tata nauczył go grać w szachy
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He has excellent memory.
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Ma doskonałą pamięć.
a moggy
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bring up
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