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co grają?
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what's on?
mogę prosić dwa bilety do ZooWord?
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Can I have to tickets for ZooWord, please?
chciałabym 2 na True Love proszę
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I would like 2 for True Love, please
seans o 6.15
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seans o 6.15 Anglais
the 6.15 screening
ile to kosztuje?
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how much is that?
proszę bardzo
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here you are
który seans?
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which screening?
przepraszam, zostały wyprzedane
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I'm sorry, It's sold out
są dwa miejsca w rzędzie z przodu
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there are two seats in the front row
rząd siódmy dobrze?
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Row seven is that ok?
poproszę 12,50.
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that's twelve fifty, please

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