Phrases, patterns and collocations Part 3

 0    13 fiche    michalinagebicka
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in due course
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we właściwym czasie
no end in (sight) to
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nie ma końca w zasięgu wzroku
(for) hours/weeks etc on end
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(przez) godziny / tygodnie itp
on the job
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w czasie pracy
job losses
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utrata pracy
take office
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objąć urząd
office block
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a split second
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ułamek sekundy
term of/in office
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kadencja / urzędowanie
work a treat
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pracować wspaniale
work wonders
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zdziałać cuda
years of age
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year on year
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Used for talking about situations in which sth continues to change or develop every year.

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