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question English réponse English
in/into force
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existing, being used
New driving regulations are going to come into force this year
out of bounds
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not acceptable
The Senator’s comments were way out of bounds
to break the mould (mold)
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to do sth different, be new
Their approach to teaching broke the mould
your face/spirits fall
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suddenly look, feel unhappy
As she red her exam results, her face fell
fall from grace
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lose a powerful position
She fell from grace because of her secrets being reveled
to go off with a bang
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to have a flying start
This year didn’t go off with a bang
place in the sun
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a lucky position
He certainly earned his place in the sun
in the bag
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certain to be won/achieved
When the score got to 2 we knew the game was in the bag
to ride the crest of a wave
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to be very successful for a limited period of time
He is still riding the crest of a wavr of popularity
on the up and up
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improving, increasing
It’s only a small business but it’s definitely on the up/ House prices are still on the up
lose your touch
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lose your ability to do sth
It’s good to see their goalkeeper’s not losing his touch
to vote with your feet
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to show your opinion by leaving an orhanization/no longer supporting it
When the prices of skiing doubled, tourists voted with their feet and just stopped going

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