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question réponse
أود شراء
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I'd like to buy
لدى حساسيه من
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I'm allergic to
أشعر بالدوار
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I feel dizzy
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are you
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أصبت بنزلة برد
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I've caught a cold
أجد صعوبة في التنفس
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I've trouble breathing
أعاني من آلام في المعدة
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I've a stomach ache
لقد تقيأت
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I've been vomiting
لدى حمى
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I have a fever
عندي صداع
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I have a headache
لدي سعال
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I have a cough
أنا مصاب بالإسهال
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I have a diarrhea
انا مريض
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I'm sick
انا بحاجة الى طبيب
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I need a doctor
لا احب
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I don't like
هل تحب
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do you like
انا يعجبني
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I like
أنا أدرس
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I'm studying
ماذا تدرس
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what are you studying
هل يمكنك التقاط صور لي
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could you take a photos for me

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