Phrasal verbs part 17

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barge into something
commencer à apprendre
walk into a room quickly, without being invited
chip in
commencer à apprendre
contribute to some cause
choke up
commencer à apprendre
become unable to speak or almost begin to cry because of sadness or strong emotion
clam up
commencer à apprendre
refuse to talk
clog up
commencer à apprendre
block, slow movement right down
come forward
commencer à apprendre
volunteer for a task or to give evidence
crop up
commencer à apprendre
appear or happen suddenly or unexpectedly
cry out
commencer à apprendre
shout out
empty out
commencer à apprendre
remove everyone or everything from a space
give away
commencer à apprendre
give something to someone else for free
hold back
commencer à apprendre
keep something secret
move in
commencer à apprendre
arrive in a new home or office
move out
commencer à apprendre
permanently leave the house or flat where you live or the place where you have your business
shop around
commencer à apprendre
try different shops to find the best deal
shut up
commencer à apprendre
stop talking

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