phrasal verbs

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improve, increase
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pick up (the wind picked up in the evening)
nie dojść do skutku/nie udawać się
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fall through
to make providional appointment
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pencil in
wycofać się z czegoś
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pull out of sth
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to tell someone about something so that that person can give their opinion about it:
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to run sth by sb
odpuscic, dac komus spokoj
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lay off sth
być zawalony (praca)
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be snowed under
mieć nawał pracy
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to be snowed under with work
o be fully committed to a task or endeavor;
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to be all in
siedzieć bezczynnie
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sit around
dawac sumę
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add up to
dodawac cos (cyfry)
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add sth up
ominąć coś, ominąć prawo
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get round sth, get round the law
dziedziczyc w spadku
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come into, came into an inheritance
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get round sb
ujsc na sucho
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get away with it
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call off
zaszaleć z czyms (wydac za duzo pieniedzy)
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splash out on something
wpłacić kaucję
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put down a deposit
criticize someone
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put someone down
przypisac cos czemus
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put sth down to (she puts her success down to luck)
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bring down
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bring down
obalić rząd
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bring down the government
uciec, wyreac sie
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get away
rozdac cos za darmo
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give sth away
dostarczyc cos komus
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supply sb with sth
rozszmieszac kogos
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keep sb in stiches
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step sth up
zrobic krok naprzod
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step up
uciekać się do czegoś
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fall back on something
wywołać kryzys, rozpoczac
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set off crisis
dojsc do skutku
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come through
zjechać na pobocze
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pull over
poratowac kogos finansowo
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to bail somebody out
postpone or delay
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push back
move a meeting to an earlier date or time
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bring sth forward
wystawic kogos, nie przyjsc na spotkanie
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stand sb up
give sth
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turn in
odrzuć ofertę
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turn down the offer
opiekować się
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to look after
miec na cos wplyw
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feed into sth

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