Phrasal verbs

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make sense
commencer à apprendre
add up
inquire about
commencer à apprendre
ask after
yield in an argument
commencer à apprendre
back down
take into account
commencer à apprendre
bargain for
confirm the true
commencer à apprendre
bear out
Lose control of emotions
commencer à apprendre
break down
stop Talking
commencer à apprendre
break off
come to an end
commencer à apprendre
break UP
cause to happen
commencer à apprendre
bring about
succeded in doing sth
commencer à apprendre
bring off
cause oneset of an illnes; cause trouble to happen oneself
commencer à apprendre
bring on
influence someone to your point of view
commencer à apprendre
bring round
commencer à apprendre
bring UP
mobilise for military service
commencer à apprendre
call UP
complete successfully
commencer à apprendre
carry off
complete a plan
commencer à apprendre
carry out
become popular
commencer à apprendre
catch on
commencer à apprendre
come about
be in the end of matter of
commencer à apprendre
come down to
commencer à apprendre
come in for
take place successfully
commencer à apprendre
come off
commencer à apprendre
come out
commencer à apprendre
come UP
meet a difficulty
commencer à apprendre
come UP against
think of
commencer à apprendre
come UP with
rely on
commencer à apprendre
count on
happen unexpectedly
commencer à apprendre
crop up
commencer à apprendre
do away with
commencer à apprendre
do up
come to a stop
commencer à apprendre
draw up
organise a dokument
commencer à apprendre
draw up
pay a visit
commencer à apprendre
drop in
Fall asleep
commencer à apprendre
drop off

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