phrasal verbs

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odkaszlnąć / wychowywać
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bring up
to cough up materiał duch as mucus from lungs or throat
załamywać się/ psuć się
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break down
to start to cry and become upset
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cough up
to cough hard to expel a substancje grom trachea
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drop off
to fall asleep
przemieszczać się
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get around
to move about
wyzdrowieć, dojść do siebie, przeboleć
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get over
to become better after na illness or a shock
poddawać się, rezygnować, rzucić
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give up
zmniejszać się, obniżać się
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go down
to become smaller
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knock out
to hit someone do hard that they no longer conscious
opiekować się
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look after
to także care od a person and attend their needs
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pass out
to faint
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Pick up
to catch na desease
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prop up
to support a person
być podobnym
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take after
to be live one or other parent
zdejmować ubranie
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take off

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