phrasal verbs

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account for
commencer à apprendre
to explain, give a reason
add up
commencer à apprendre
to make sense, seem reasonable
allow for
commencer à apprendre
to take into consideration
appeal to
commencer à apprendre
to plead or make a request, to be attractive or interesting
apply for
commencer à apprendre
make a formal request for (job etc.)
back down
commencer à apprendre
to withdraw(wycofać się), concede defeat
back up
commencer à apprendre
make a copy, give support or encouragement
black out
commencer à apprendre
to faint, lose consciousness
boil down to
commencer à apprendre
to be summarized as
tell off
commencer à apprendre
reprimand, criticize severely
call off
commencer à apprendre
to cancel
put up with
commencer à apprendre
to tolerate
turn down
commencer à apprendre
to refuse
carry on
commencer à apprendre
to continue
cut down on
commencer à apprendre
to reduce amount
break out
commencer à apprendre
start sth suddenly
deal with
commencer à apprendre
to handle, take care of
set up
commencer à apprendre
to start a business
take after
commencer à apprendre
to resemble, in appearance or character
bump into
commencer à apprendre
to meet by chance or unexpectedly
pass away
commencer à apprendre
to die
pass out
commencer à apprendre
to faint
make up
commencer à apprendre
to invent exercise story
let down
commencer à apprendre
to disappoint
join in
commencer à apprendre
to participate
rule out
commencer à apprendre
to eliminate
look up to
commencer à apprendre
to admire
go through
commencer à apprendre
to experience
hang up
commencer à apprendre
odkładać słuchawkę
hang on
commencer à apprendre
to wait
break away
commencer à apprendre
to seperate from a crowd
work out
commencer à apprendre
physical exercise find a solution or calculate something
break into
commencer à apprendre
to enter by force
bring up
commencer à apprendre
to raise (a child)
brush up on
commencer à apprendre
To improve, refresh one’s knowledge of something
burn out
commencer à apprendre
stop (something) working, become exhausted from over-working
carry out
commencer à apprendre
To perform or conduct (test, experiment), To do something as specified (a plan, an order, a threat)
check out
commencer à apprendre
wymeldować się, to investigate
come forward
commencer à apprendre
przychodzić z pomocą/ujawniać się, to present oneself
cut out
commencer à apprendre
to remove using scissors, stop doing sth
do without
commencer à apprendre
to manage without
drag on
commencer à apprendre
przeciągać się (coś trwa dłużej niż oczekiwano)
draw up
commencer à apprendre
to write np contract, agreement
drop in
commencer à apprendre
to visit unexpectedly
drop off
commencer à apprendre
to deliver someone or sth, fall asleep
drop out
commencer à apprendre
to leave school without finishing

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