phrasal verbs definitions

 0    43 fiche    ingarybarczyk
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question English réponse English
commencer à apprendre
get at
commencer à apprendre
look into
commencer à apprendre
count on
feel superior to
commencer à apprendre
look down on
commencer à apprendre
look up to
commencer à apprendre
come into
commencer à apprendre
get over
go in the direction of
commencer à apprendre
make for
meet by chance
commencer à apprendre
bump into
commencer à apprendre
put up with
be similar
commencer à apprendre
take after
do, often sth wrong
commencer à apprendre
be up to
have good relations
commencer à apprendre
get on with
pick up
commencer à apprendre
call for
commencer à apprendre
call on
meet, often sth unpleasant
commencer à apprendre
come up against
feel fit to do
commencer à apprendre
feel up to
avoid doing sth
commencer à apprendre
get out of
manage without
commencer à apprendre
do without
look at everything
commencer à apprendre
look around
commencer à apprendre
see to
take action about
commencer à apprendre
see about
commencer à apprendre
faced up to
have no more
commencer à apprendre
run out of
reach the same position
commencer à apprendre
keep at
compensate for
commencer à apprendre
makes up for
ask for news of
commencer à apprendre
ask about
think of
commencer à apprendre
come up with
have as a hobby
commencer à apprendre
go in for
choose a person to punish
commencer à apprendre
pick on
to raise a child
commencer à apprendre
bring up
commencer à apprendre
held up
make sth work
commencer à apprendre
work out
commencer à apprendre
try out
plane leaves
commencer à apprendre
takes off
sth is dangerous
commencer à apprendre
look out
to stop sth
commencer à apprendre
call off
commencer à apprendre
look up
give accommodation
commencer à apprendre
put up
to write information in blanks
commencer à apprendre
fill in
to become friends after the argument
commencer à apprendre
made up
take into consideration
commencer à apprendre
think over
commencer à apprendre
fill up

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