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TURN AGAINST something/somebody. --------- The fans used to like the new coach Tucca Ferreti, but they "turned against" him when the team started losing lots of games. Some even booed him. ---------------------- TURN AGAINST something/somebody. Volverse en contra de algo o de alguien, ponerse en contra. to decide not to like or agree with someone or something, or to make someone do this. (see also: go against). commencer à apprendre
Volverse en contra de algo o de alguien, ponerse en contra. to decide not to like or agree with someone or something, or to make someone do this. (see also: go against). TURN AGAINST something/somebody. --------- The big red dog Clifford inexplicably "turned against" his owner and had to be put down. ---------- TURN AGAINST something/somebody.
DRIFT APART. --------- Asia and North America were once joined, but over the millennia, they "drifted apart". ---------------------- drift apart. Distanciarse, separarse. to stop having a close relationship. commencer à apprendre
Distanciarse, separarse. to stop having a close relationship. DRIFT APART. ------------- Martin and Steave used to be great friends, but they've gradually "drifted apart" over the years. ------------- drift apart.
GROW APART. --------- Jenny Rivera and Kate del Castillo used to be close friends, but they’ve "grown apart" over the years. They hardly ever see each other these days. ---------------------- GROW APART. Alejarse, separarse, irse apartando, irse separando. to gradually become less friendly or become distant. commencer à apprendre
Alejarse, separarse, irse apartando, irse separando. to gradually become less friendly or become distant. GROW APART. --------- Juan said that people who are friends at work often "grow apart" when one leaves the job. ---------------------- grow apart.
FALL APART someone. --------- Jhon Sebastian began to "fall apart" after the death of his son. ---------------------- FALL APART someone. Derrumbarse, desmoronarse, deprimirse. if someone falls apart, they experience extreme emotional problems and cannot think or behave in the normal way commencer à apprendre
Derrumbarse, desmoronarse, deprimirse. if someone falls apart, they experience extreme emotional problems and cannot think or behave in the normal way FALL APART someone. --------- Lupe Oviedo once said that some men would "fall apart" if their wives left them. ---------------------- fall apart (someone).
FALL APART somthing. --------- Hey Quito, use strong glue when you put together your model airplane or it’ll "fall apart" when you try to fly it. ------- FALL APART somthing. Romperse a pedazos, despedazarse, desarmarse, desprenderse, caerse a pedazos. if something falls apart, it breaks or breaks into pieces because it is old or weak. (see also: come apart). commencer à apprendre
Romperse a pedazos, despedazarse, desarmarse, desprenderse, caerse a pedazos. if something falls apart, it breaks or breaks into pieces because it is old or weak. (see also: come apart). FALL APART somthing. --------- Mauricio said, I've only had these shoes three months and they are already "falling apart". ---------------------- FALL APART something.
TAKE something APART. --------- Before Jose Ramirez painted his bicycle, he "took it apart" so he could paint each part separately. ---------------------- TAKE something APART. Desarmar. to separate something into its different parts. commencer à apprendre
Desarmar. to separate something into its different parts. TAKE something APART. --------- Nacho spent the afternoon "taking his bike apart" and cleaning each bit. ---------------------- take something apart.
TEAR something APART. --------- Donal said that when the bomb exploded, it "tore the car apart" and left behind a terrible scene of smoking wreckage and burnt remains. ---------------------- TEAR something APART. Despedazar, hacer trizas, hacer añicos algo. to destroy something that was united (party, country, family, etc. by dividing it into two or more parts that fight or argue with each other. commencer à apprendre
Despedazar, hacer trizas, hacer añicos algo. to destroy something that was united (party, country, family, etc. by dividing it into two or more parts that fight or argue with each other. TEAR something APART. --------- Enrique Acevedo from univision said that ethnic rivalries threaten to "tear this country apart". ---------------------- tear something apart.
TEAR somebody APART. --------- The TV reporter said, it just "tears me apart" to see you suffering like this man. ---------------------- TEAR somebody APART. Hacer sufrir, Romper, destrozar el alma, desgarrar. to make someone feel very unhappy. commencer à apprendre
Hacer sufrir, Romper, destrozar el alma, desgarrar. to make someone feel very unhappy. TEAR somebody APART. --------- The reporter from Telemundo said that people were "torn apart" when news of the train crash came through. ----------------------TEAR somebody APART.
TELL something/somebody APART. --------- Kaz said, all the puppies look the same to me. How do you "tell them apart"?. ---------------------- TELL something/somebody APART. Diferenciar, notar la diferencia. to be able to see the differences between two similar things or people and judge which is which. commencer à apprendre
Diferenciar, notar la diferencia. to be able to see the differences between two similar things or people and judge which is which. TELL something/somebody APART. --------- Jose Romo said, when Michelle and Gaby were small, the twins looked so alike that I just couldn't "tell them apart". ---------------------- TELL something/somebody APART.
COME APART. --------- The CD case "came apart" when Damian was trying to open it, and he couldn’t put it back together again. ---------------------- come apart. Desarmarse, despedazarse, desprenderse, caerse a pedazos. if something comes apart, it separates into pieces. (see also: fall apart). commencer à apprendre
Desarmarse, despedazarse, desprenderse, caerse a pedazos. if something comes apart, it separates into pieces. (see also: fall apart). COME APART. --------- The old book "came apart" as I opened it and a few pages fell out. ---------------------- come apart.