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Swingy Byes asked me to SWING BY the grocery store for some milk. ------- SWING BY. I thought we would rent a car and drive to Altamira, maybe SWINGING BY to see Serapio on the way there. ------- SWING BY. commencer à apprendre
Swingy Byes asked me to (- -) BY the grocery store for some milk. ------- SWING, GO, GET. Visitar ó swinguar pasar de volada bayarta. to visit a person or place for a short time while you are going somewhere else. (see also: stop by, come by, drop by, stop by.
Abidedy Byes said we are quite willing to abide by their decision, whatever it may be. ------- Abide by. Staff who refused to ABIDE BY the new rules will be fired. ------- ABIDE BY. commencer à apprendre
Abidedy Byes said we are quite willing to (- -) BY their decision, whatever it may be. ------ OBEY, ABIDE, ORDER. Obedecer Bayarta, Abidear, acatar. to accept or obey an agreement, rule, or decision.
Livy Byes said I always try to LIVE BY what I believe in. ------- LIVE BY. These people have decided not to live by society's rules. -------LIVE BY. commencer à apprendre
Livy Byes said I always try to (- -) BY what I believe in. ------ ABIDE, OBEY, LIVE. Vivir decuerdo a. if you live by particular rules or beliefs, these rules or beliefs influence your behaviour.
Swery s Byes aid my mother, SWEAR BY onion for keeping colds away. ------- SWEAR BY. Jessica SWEARS BY keto diet. Have you tried their new moisturizer?. Jennifer Lopez swears by it. ------- SWEAR BY. commencer à apprendre
Swery Byes said my mother, (- -) BY onion for keeping colds away. ------- BELIEVE, THINK, SWEAR. Creer en, tener fe en. Jurar por la. to believe that something is very effective and that it will always work well.
Sity Byes said that Abraham Lincoln said, we can't SIT BY and watch the country slide further into civil war. There is so much suffering around us and yet the majority of us just SIT BY and do nothing. ------- SIT BY. commencer à apprendre
Sity Byes said that Abraham Lincoln used to say, we can't (- -) BY and watch the country slide further into civil war. -------- STAY, SIT, WAIT. Sentarse Bayarta sin hacer nada, Sitiar. quedarse de brazos cruzados. to take no action when something bad is happening.
Putin sByes aid, I try to PUT a little BY each month for bills. ------- PUT BY. Son, If you PUT a little BY every week, it soon adds up. I try to PUT BY money all the time. ------- PUT BY. commencer à apprendre
Putin Byes said, I try to AHORRAR a little BY each month for bills. ------ SAVE, LAY, SET, PUT. Ahorrar, Poner y apartar. to save an amount of money in order to use it later. (see: put aside, Lay by).
Laye Byes said that Ramirito always LAYS BY some money each month for her retirement. ------- LAY BY. Rey Turru said, I'm trying to LAY BY a little money for my trip to the States. ------- LAY BY. commencer à apprendre
Laye Byes said that Ramirito always (- -), BY some money each month for her retirement. ------ SET, PUT, LAY SAVE. Layahorrarby, ahorrar. to keep something especially money so that you can use it in the future. (see: put aside, put by).
Ticky sByes aid that Time ticked by and hopes for the injured' life began to fade. ------- tick by or tick away. The seconds "ticked by" and the team failed to score. ------- tick by or tick away. commencer à apprendre
Ticky Byes said that Time (- -) BY and hopes for the injured' life began to fade. ----- PASS, FLY, GO, TICK. Tickear Por la, Tickear Lejos, pasar. (el tiempo) if time ticks by, it passes.
Flye Byes said that Alberto Alonso replied, Oh man, I don't know why, in our first date, we just started chatting, and then I looked up and two hours had FLOWN BY!. ------ FLY or FLY BY. The hours FLY BY when I'm with you my love. ----------- FLY or FLY BY. commencer à apprendre
Flye Byes said that Alberto Alonso replied, Oh man, I don't know why, in our first date, we just started chatting, and then I looked up and two hours had (- -) BY. ----- PASS, FLY, GO, TICK. Volar Por la, pasar muy rapido. to pass or go by swiftly, usually a period of time.
Scrapy Trucha said that Ceci uttered, I managed to SCRAPE THROUGH my English exam even though I hadn't done much work. --------------- SCRAPE THROUGH. commencer à apprendre
Scrapy Trucha said that Ceci uttered, I managed to PASAR DE PANSASO my English exam even though I hadn't done much work. ------- SCRAPE THROUGH, PULL OFF, PASS THROUGH.
Lincoln uttered, we can't sit by and watch the country SLIDE further INTO civil war. ------ SLIDE INTO. The company slid further into debt last year... After losing her job, Susan slid into a deep depression. ------ SLIDE INTO. commencer à apprendre
Hudirse gradualmente, empeorarse, deteriorarse gradualmente. Hudirse gradualmente, empeorarse, deteriorarse gradualmente.