Phrasal verbs - ang-ang

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question American English réponse American English
I need to break ...... (rozchodzić) my new shoes.
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I need to break in my new shoes.
She always puts ........ (odkłada) doing her homework until the last minute.
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She always puts off doing her homework until the last minute.
Can you look ........ (zaopiekować się) my dog while I'm out of town?
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Can you look after my dog while I'm out of town?
I'm going to check ...... (sprawdzić) that new restaurant downtown.
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I'm going to check out that new restaurant downtown.
I'm trying to cut ...... (ograniczyć) on caffeine.
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I'm trying to cut back on caffeine.
They called ...... (odwołać) the meeting due to bad weather.
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They called off the meeting due to bad weather.
I need to clean ... (opróżnić) my closet and donate some clothes.
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I need to clean out my closet and donate some clothes.
I ran ....... (natknąłem się na) an old friend at the grocery store.
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I ran into an old friend at the grocery store.
I always warm ... (rozgrzewam się) before exercising to avoid injury.
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I always warm up before exercising to avoid injury.
She's looking for a job and has been sending ... (rozsyłać) resumes.
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She's looking for a job and has been sending out resumes.
I turned ... (przyciszyłem) the music because it was too loud.
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I turned down the music because it was too loud.
I'm going to drop ... (podrzucić) the package at the post office on my way home.
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I'm going to drop off the package at the post office on my way home.
He passed ... (stracić przytomność) from drinking too much.
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He passed out from drinking too much.
I need to fill ... (wypełnić) this form before the deadline.
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I need to fill out this form before the deadline.
I broke ... (zerwać) with my boyfriend last week.
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I broke up with my boyfriend last week.
She fell ... (zasnąć) during the movie.
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She fell asleep during the movie.
I'm going to get ... (pozbyć się) of these old magazines.
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I'm going to get rid of these old magazines.
He came ... (natknąć się) some old photos while cleaning out the attic.
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He came across some old photos while cleaning out the attic.
I'm going to log ... (zalogować się) to my email to check for message.
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I'm going to log in to my email to check for message.
She's going to make ... (nadrobić) the missed class by watching the recording.
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She's going to make up the missed class by watching the recording.
I need to pick ... (kupić) some groceries on my way home from work.
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I need to pick up some groceries on my way home from work.
He's going to drop ... (wstąpić) later to say hello.
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He's going to drop by later to say hello.
She's going to set ... (ustalić) a meeting with the client tomorrow.
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She's going to set up a meeting with the client tomorrow.
I always put ... (nakładać) sunscreen before going outside.
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I always put on sunscreen before going outside.
I'm going to take ... (zdjąć) my shoes before coming inside.
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I'm going to take off my shoes before coming inside.
She's going to try ... (spróbować) for the school play.
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She's going to try out for the school play.
I'm going to turn ... (podkręcić) the heat because it's cold in here.
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I'm going to turn up the heat because it's cold in here.
He's going to watch ... (uważać na) for his little brother at the park.
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He's going to watch out for his little brother at the park.
I'm going to wrap ... (zakończyć) the project before the deadline.
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I'm going to wrap up the project before the deadline.
She's going to work ... (trenować) at the gym this afternoon.
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She's going to work out at the gym this afternoon.
He is backing ... (zapisuje) his important files to an external hard drive.
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He is backing up his important files to an external hard drive.
She's going to break ... (podzieli) the complex issue into smaller parts.
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She's going to break down the complex issue into smaller parts.
I need to call ... (odwołać) the meeting because of the scheduling conflict.
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I need to call off the meeting because of the scheduling conflict.
I have to figure ... (dojść do tego) how to solve this math problem.
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I have to figure out how to solve this math problem.
He wants to get ... (przezwyciężyć) his fear of flying by taking a course.
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He wants to get over his fear of flying by taking a course.
I will look ... (przejrzeć) the report before submitting it.
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I will look over the report before submitting it.
He decided to pass ... (odpuścić) the opportunity because it's not a good fit.
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He decided to pass on the opportunity because it's not a good fit.
She's going to run ... (wjechać w) traffic if she doesn't slow down.
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She's going to run into traffic if she doesn't slow down.
He's going to take ... (podejmie) more responsibility at work.
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He's going to take on more responsibility at work.
She would like to try ... (przymierzyć) the dress before buying it.
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She would like to try on the dress before buying it.
He's going to write ... (zapisać) his goals for the year.
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He's going to write down his goals for the year.
I always ask ... (popytać) for recommendations before trying a new restaurant.
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I always ask around for recommendations before trying a new restaurant.
I'm going to bring ... (poruszyć) the issue during the next meeting.
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I'm going to bring up the issue during the next meeting.
I will call you ... (oddzwonię) tomorrow morning.
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I will call you back tomorrow morning.
Please, calm ... (uspokój się) before driving.
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Please, calm down before driving.
We will get the hotel keys when we check ... (zarejestrować się)
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We will get the hotel keys when we check in.
Check ... (obejrzeć) this painting. I think this is a Picasso.
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Check out this painting. I think this is a Picasso.
If we all chip ... (zrzucić się) we should be able to afford this apartment.
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If we all chip in we should be able to afford this apartment.
We need to find ... (dowiedzieć się) who wrote this letter.
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We need to find out who wrote this letter.
Me and my in-laws don't get ... (żyć w zgodzie) very well.
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Me and my in-laws don't get along very well.

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