P&G, ID 45-47 (skończyłem nad infografika)

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question réponse
exemplary ways
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przykładowe sposoby
Are you wising to inspire us
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Czy chcesz nas zainspirować?
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The theory posits
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Teoria mówi
diffused technology
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technologia rozproszona
Many scholars have asserted
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Wielu uczonych twierdziło
point of inflection
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punkt przegięcia
will eventually supplant the present approach
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ostatecznie zastąpi obecne podejście
as depicted
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jak pokazano
in a timely way
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w odpowiednim czasie
the eventual flattening of the current technology
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ostateczne spłaszczenie obecnej technologii
firms often incurred enormous financial risks
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firmy często ponosiły ogromne ryzyko finansowe
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prescriptions such as
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recepty takie jak
research consortia
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konsorcjum badawcze

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