Pets 2

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question réponse
Czy ona ma królika?
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Has she got a rabbit?
Nie, ona nie ma
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No, she has not
Tak, mam
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Yes, I have
Nie, nie mam
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No I haven’t
To jest mała papuga
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It’s a small parrot
Czy on ma papugę?
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Has he got a parrot?
Nie, on nie ma. On ma dużego psa
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No, he hasn’t. He has got a big dog
To jest gruba papuga
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It’s a fat parrot
Czy ty masz dużą żabę?
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Have you got a big frog?
Nie, ja mam małą żabę
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No, I’ve got a small frog
Czy ona ma małego psa?
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Has she got a small dog

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