Peter Pan-What makes the red man red

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question réponse
Why do you have to say that
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Hvorfor må du si det
Things he knows now
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Ting som han vet nå
Learn really fast
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Lærer veldig fort
Answer he may get
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Svar som han kan få
We explain now
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Vi forklarer nå
When did he first say that
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Når sa han første det
He got scared and screamed
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Han ble redd og brøtte
The answer is found from the old time
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det går helt fra gammel tid
He kissed
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Han kysset
Both of them are now dead
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Begge to er nå døde
We then say goodbye
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Vi siden sier adjø
Have you heard?
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Har du hørt?
When did he say it?
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Når sa han det?

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