People walker

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to walk
L is walk is silent
człowiek / osoba
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a person
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wyprowadzać psa
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to walk a dog
I walk my dog twice a day. (NiV)
ktoś, kto zarabia wyprowadzając psy
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a dog walker
prowadzić firmę / interes
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to run a business
Prowadzę ten interes od około roku.
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I've been running this business for about a year.
spotykać się z ludźmi
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to meet up with people
I meet up with my friends every weekend. (NiV)
Jak było na wycieczce?
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How was your trip?
spisać na straty
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to write sth off (as sth)
Some people try to write it off as silly.
głupi / niemądry
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It was a silly idea. (NiV)
najważniejsza rzecz / najistotniejsza kwestia
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the heart of sth
Let's get to the heart of the problem. (NiV)
ćwiczenie / ćwiczenia (fizyczne)
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ćwiczyć (gimnastykować się)
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to exercise
I exercise every single day.
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bezcenny / nieoceniony
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poszerzać horyzonty
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to broaden one's horizons
It broadens my horizons.
jacaranda mimozolistna (gatunek drzewa)
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gatunek biologiczny naturalnie występujący w określonym środowisku
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native (to e.g. Australia)
This tree is not native to LA.
Los Angeles
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terapeutyczny / leczniczy
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I think gardening is very therapeutic. (NiV)
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an opportunity
It gives me an opportunity to talk to someone.
to give sb an opportunity to do sth
słuchać kogoś
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to listen to sb
do not say: listen sb/sth
Lubię słuchać muzyki.
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I like listening to music. (NiV)
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to lose weight
I've lost weight.
coś banalnego / łatwego / niewymagającego myślenia
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a no-brainer
I said yes straight away. It was a no-brainer for me. (NiV)
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