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system kontradyktoryjny(skargowy) ang commencer à apprendre
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przedstawiciel representatywny commencer à apprendre
posiadać np stopień naukowy commencer à apprendre
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They usually only become involved in a criminal case once a suspect has been identified and charges need to be filed.
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They are typically employed by an office of the government, with safeguards in place to ensure such an office can successfully pursue the prosecution of government officials.
dekret, zarządzenie, wyrok commencer à apprendre
The sentence can generally involve a decree of imprisonment, a fine and/or other punishments against a defendant convicted of a crime.
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zastosować się uwzględniać przestrzegać commencer à apprendre
Usually the sentence comes after a process in which the deciding organ such as a jury is put in condition to evaluate whether the analyzed conduct complies or not with the legal systems, and eventually which aspects of the conduct might regard which laws.
uwięzienie (jako kara w prawie karnym) commencer à apprendre
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her former boyfriend was convicted of assaulting her
wyrok niepodlegający łączeniu commencer à apprendre
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sometimes subject to a cap.
Powinieneś ocenić całe związane z tym ryzyko. commencer à apprendre
You should evaluate all the risks involved.
zaangażować dotyczyć uwikłać commencer à apprendre
The sentence can generally involve a decree of imprisonment, a fine and/or other punishments against a defendant convicted of a crime
uważać traktować dotyczyć / wzgląd szacunek commencer à apprendre
to evaluate whether the analyzed conduct complies or not with the legal systems, and eventually which aspects of the conduct might regard which laws.
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obsługieać poddać się służyć // commencer à apprendre
Those imprisoned for multiple crimes will serve a consecutive sentence
procedura prawna, bieg sprawy commencer à apprendre
A judge is a public official appointed to decide cases in a court of law and presides over court proceedings.
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and then issues a ruling on the matter at hand based on his or her interpretation
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A judge presides over court proceedings,
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oskarżony (o działania przestęprze) commencer à apprendre
charged with criminal activities
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oczyszczający (uniewinniający) commencer à apprendre
and at times present exculpatory evidence that negates potential charges by the prosecutor,
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pomyłka sądowa pomyłka sprawiedliwości commencer à apprendre
decyzja (ławy przysięgłych) commencer à apprendre
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obrady (ławy przysięgłych) commencer à apprendre
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na otwartym (posiedzeniu) sądu commencer à apprendre
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Opening statements allow the prosecutor and the defense attorney to briefly tell their account of the events
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nie angażuje świadków bezokol commencer à apprendre
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wyślizgnąć się, wyplątać (z kontraktu) od sł. łasica commencer à apprendre
potocznie zawrzeć nową umowę commencer à apprendre
kwestionowany sporny na d pp commencer à apprendre
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An appeal is not another trial but an opportunity for the defendant to try to raise specific errors that might have occurred at trial.
stłumić powstrzymać (dowody) commencer à apprendre
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poucza ławę przysięgłych (obciąża) commencer à apprendre
Following the closing arguments, the judge “charges the jury,” or informs them of the appropriate law and of what they must do to reach a verdict.
przeszłe skazania, przeszłość commencer à apprendre
zarzut popełnienia przestępstwa commencer à apprendre
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postawienie w stan oskarżenia commencer à apprendre
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umieścić tymczasowo (w areszcie) commencer à apprendre
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If the defendant cannot “post bail” (pay the money), the judge may order him remanded into the custody of the U.S. Marshals pending trial.
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pogarda lekceważenie na c commencer à apprendre
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An example of an injunction is a tenant forcing his or her landlord to make repairs to his or her apartment due to a safety hazard.
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Przemowa trwała w przybliżeniu godzinę. commencer à apprendre
The speech lasted approximately one hour.
zatroszczyć się samemu o siebie commencer à apprendre
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następująco to znaczy (na dowcip) commencer à apprendre
The property in this case is alleged to have a value of $2,500, to wit, a necklace. Do you understand the nature of the charges in count one?
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She indicated to me that Ms. Lohan has otherwise been in compliance with all conditions of her probation
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wyrok w zawieszeniu, kuratela commencer à apprendre
tymczasowo umieszczony w arszcie pp commencer à apprendre
And on the open case, Ms. Lohan will be remanded, bail set at $20,000.
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Działam w imieniu spółki XYZ. commencer à apprendre
I'm acting on behalf of XYZ Plc.
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ankietować też głosowanie commencer à apprendre
Alright, Mrs. Robertson, will you please poll the jurors?
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And I would implore that the news media act responsibly to avoid harassing you,
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przewodniczący (rady przysięgłych) commencer à apprendre
zeznaje, zajmuje stanowisko commencer à apprendre
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pozostawione komuś (sądowi) commencer à apprendre
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A lawsuit may involve dispute resolution of private law issues between individuals, business entities, government entities, or non-profit organizations.
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nałożyć nakaz (zakaz sądowy) commencer à apprendre
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pozew sądowy, proces sądowy commencer à apprendre
A lawsuit refers to a legal action started by a plaintiff against a defendantbased on a complaint that the defendant failed to perform a legal duty,
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zaposane umieszczone w relikwiarzu commencer à apprendre
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if he or she is indigent, an attorney will be provided at no cost to represent her or him.
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and protection against excessive fines and unusual punishments.
egzekwowane w celu kierowania zachowaniem commencer à apprendre
enforced to govern behavior
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ustanawia prawa związane ze oskarżeniami karnymi commencer à apprendre
Bill of Rights that sets forth rights related to criminal prosecutions.
Zgodnie z zasadami to jest surowo zakazane. commencer à apprendre
According to the rules it is strictly forbidden.
jest na wolności za kaucją commencer à apprendre
wykroczenie przestępstwo na o commencer à apprendre
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may not discriminate against any group of people
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