Paweł 16th Nov (45 min)

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question réponse
nie ma sprawy
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that's ok / that's all right / no problem at all
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Przepraszam za spóźnienie.
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I'm sorry for being late. / I'm sorry I'm late.
przepraszać za coś
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to apologise for sth
przepraszać kogoś za coś
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to apologise to sb for sth
I must apologize to Isobel for my rude behaviour.
Trzymaj tak dalej.
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Keep it up.
napisać maila do kogoś
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to email sb / to write an email to sb
Nie zapomnij napisać do mnie wiadomości.
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Don't forget TO message me. / Don't forget to text me.
krzyczeć na kogoś
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to shout at sb
Stop shouting at me.
Ja nigdy nie krzyczę na moje dzieci.
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I never shout at my kids.
zdradzać kogoś
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to cheat on sb
I'd never cheat on my wife.
Zacznę od...
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I'll start with...
Nigdy nie byłem w Portugalii
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I've never been to Portugal.
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Co jest na śniadanie?
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What's for breakfast?
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to draw - drew - drawn
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to remove sth
The men came to remove the rubbish from the backyard.
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a drawing
robić zdjęcia
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to take photos (of sth/sb)
Postaraj się unikać tego błędu.
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Try to avoid this mistake.
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mieszkać / żyć
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to live
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na świecie
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in the world
zgubić się
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to get lost
I think we got lost.
im później, tym lepiej
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the later, the better
im szybciej, tym lepiej
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the sooner, the better

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