Paula 7th Dec

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to come back / to be back
Wrócę za 5 minut.
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I'll be back in 5 minutes.
O której wróciłeś do domu?
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What time did you come back home?
To było związane z pracą.
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It was work-related.
sprawy prywatne
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private matters
Za dużo myślę.
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I think too much.
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recently / lately
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to receive - received - received
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to get - got - got
W zeszłym miesiącu otrzymałem list od mojego nauczyciela.
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I received a letter from my teacher last month.
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a letter
skórzane buty
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leather shoes
iść na spacer
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to go for a walk
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in the evening
Relaksowałem się
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I was chilling.
Zrobiłem pranie.
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I did the laundry.
Posprzątałem mieszkanie.
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I tidied up my flat.
Jestem z Polski.
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I'm from Poland.
Ona jest z Niemiec.
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She is /comeS from Germany.
Ten napój pochodzi z Mongolii.
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This drink comeS from Mongolia.
Jestem u mamy.
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I'm at my mum's.
Jestem u Oli.
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I'm at Ola's.
Idę do Oli.
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I'm going to Ola's.
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an oven
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an owner
W piekarniku jest dużo cebuli.
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There are a lot of onions in the oven.
dziś wieczorem
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tonight / this evening
kilka problemów
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A few problems
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to avoid
Zrobię co w mojej mocy.
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I'll do my best.
stworzyć nawyk
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to create a habit
Ciągle o niej myślę.
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I keep thinking about her.
On idzie jak burza.
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He's on fire.
godzinę temu
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one hour ago
Polajkowałem to.
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I gave it a thumbs up.
cały tydzień
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the whole week
wziął kilka dni wolnego
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he took a few days off

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