Paula 19th Feb (45 min)

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question réponse
pozwolenie na budowę
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a building permit (or a building consent)
I can't start construction on my new house until I get a building permit from the council.
architektura (wymowa: CHAIR)
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ogródek działkowy
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an allotment garden
He grows tomatoes and carrots in his allotment garden.
robota papierkowa
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I have some paperwork to do this weekend.
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sanitary inspector / health inspector
The health inspector shut down the café due to multiple food safety violations.
The sanitary inspector visited the restaurant to check if it met hygiene standards.
związane z pieniędzmi
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związane z jedzeniem
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związany z rodziną
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związany z pracą
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I have a work-related question.
Gdzie mieszkasz?
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Where do you live?
Gdzie pracujesz?
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Where do you work?
nowe rozwiązania
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new solutions
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these days
Kids spend a lot of time on their phones these days.
These days, I prefer working from home rather than commuting to the office.
ugryzienie komara
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a mosquito bite
A mosquito bit me a few times at night.
szukać czegoś
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to look for sth
What are you looking for?
czekać na coś
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to look forward to sth
I look forward to seeing you next week.
Dzisiaj muszę jechać do miasta.
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I have to go to the city today.
Chcę spać.
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I want to sleep.
Myślę o podróżowaniu dookoła świata.
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I'm thinking about travelling around the world.
Nie mogę się doczekać spotkania z przyjaciółmi w weekend.
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I look forward to meeting up with my friends on the weekend.
Z utęsknieniem czekam na wiosnę.
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I look forward to spring.
To nowy etap mojego życia.
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It's a new stage of my life.
Zaczęła pierwszą klasę.
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She started year 1.
To ciekawa myśl.
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It's an interesting thought.
Ona jest rozczarowana.
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She's disappointed.
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a term
The end of term one is on the 20th of April.
Szkoła ma basen. W szkole jest basen.
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The school has a pool. There's a pool at the school.
piłka ręczna
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My daughter has PE every day.
dwa razy w tygodniu
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twice a week
dziesięć razy w tygodniu
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ten times a week
raz w miesiącu
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once a month
zajęcia pozaszkolne
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after school activities
zajęcia artystyczne
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an art class
She goes to art class once a week.
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She goes to gymnastics once a week. / She has gymnastics once a week. / She does gymnastics once a week.
wychowawca klasy
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a class teacher
Ona dostaje pracę domową każdego dnia.
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She gets homework every day.
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