Paula 11th Nov

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Widzisz mnie?
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Can you see me?
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a tooth
znacznie jaśniej niż zazwyczaj
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much lighter than usually
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Dentysta wyrwał mi ząb.
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I had my tooth pulled out.
Raz w roku fryzjer obcina mi włosy.
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Once a year I have my hair cut.
to nie jest nic wielkiego / to żaden problem
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it's not a biggie
targi biznesowe
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business fairs
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an event
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an architect
Mam kaca.
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I'm hungover.
I had a terrible hangover the next morning.
Wypiłem trochę wina.
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I had some wine.
Wypiłem kilka drinków.
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I had a few drinks.
Napijmy się.
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Let's have a drink.
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a fairy
wróżka zębowa
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a tooth fairy
popłynąć promem
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to go by ferry
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to find - found - found
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a concealer
I use a concealer to hide my spots.
ukrywać coś
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to hide sth / to conceal sth
I tried to conceal my surprise when she told me her age.
ukryte schody
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a concealed staircase / a hidden staircase
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Ona chciałaby zostać projektantką wnętrz.
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She would like TO be an interior designer.
profesjonalne przygotowanie nieruchomości do sprzedaży lub wynajmu
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home staging
Jakie masz wykształcenie?
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What's your backgrund?
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Jeden z nich / jedna z nich
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One of them
ten drugi (z dwóch) / ta druga (z dwóch)
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the other one
Przez 10 lat była mamą.
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She was a stay-at-home-mum for 10 years.
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niepracująca zawodowo mama
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a stay-at-home-mum
Ona słucha audiobooka.
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She's is listening to an audiobook.
Powiedziałem jej, że...
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I told her that...
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an audiobook
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a video
Myślę, że ona słucha audiobooka.
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I think she is listening TO an audiobook.
Posłuchaj mnie.
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Listen to me.
Ona nigdy mnie nie słucha.
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She never listens TO me.
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an architect
dziś rano
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this morning
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in the morning
Biorę teraz prysznic.
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I'm having a shower now.

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