Paula 11th Feb 2025 (45 min)

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Ona mieszka blisko granicy z Holandią.
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She lives close to the Dutch border. / She lives near the Dutch border.
OR: She lives close to the Netherlands
Lecimy samolotem. (plan)
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We're going by plane.
Byłeś kiedyś w Niemczech?
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Have you ever been TO Germany?
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Pojechaliśmy do Niemiec 5 lat temu.
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We went to Germany 5 years ago.
kilka miesięcy / kilka miesięcy
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a couple of months / a few months
Ostatni raz byłem w Niemczech pięć lat temu.
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The last time I went to Germany was five years ago.
Nasz lot jest o południu.
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Our flight is at noon.
don't say: our fly

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