Patryk 20th July

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Wstałem o 9.
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I got up AT 9.
Moje urodziny są 11 lipca.
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My birthday is ON the 11th of July.
Kiedy są twoje urodziny?
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When is your birthday?
Co jadłeś na śniadanie?
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What did you eat for breakfast?
Zjadłem (dwie) kanapki z szynką.
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I ate (two) ham sandwiches.
Wczoraj przeczytałem dużo książek.
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Yesterday I read many books. / a lot of books.
Codziennie rano biorę prysznic.
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I have a shower every morning.
Biorę teraz prysznic.
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I'm having a shower now.
Jem teraz śniadanie.
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I'm eating breakfast now. / I'm having breakfast now.
Mam wiele pytań.
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I have many questions. / I have a lot of questions.
Nie rozumiem.
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I don't understand.
Czy masz siostrę?
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Do you have a sister?
Nie mam brata.
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I don't have a brother.
Siedzisz teraz?
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Are you sitting now?
Nie siedzę teraz.
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I'm not sitting now.
Nie czytam teraz książki.
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I'm not reading a book now.
Moja siostra nie ogląda telewizji teraz.
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My sister is not / isn't watching tv now.
Moja mama nie gotuje teraz.
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My mum isn't cooking now.
Mój tata nie pracuje teraz.
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My dad isn't working now.
Oni teraz śpią.
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They are sleeping now.
Uczymy się teraz.
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We are learning now.
Uczymy się teraz.
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We are learning / studying now.
Jesz kanapkę z szynką?
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Are you eating a ham sandwich?
Ona czyta książkę teraz?
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Is she reading a book now?
Czy oni śpią teraz?
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Are they sleeping now?
Poszedłeś wczoraj do szkoły?
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Did you go to school yesterday?

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