Patryk 12th Jan

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question réponse
Co się stało? / O co chodzi?
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What's the matter?
Nic nie widzę.
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I don't see anything.
Myślę, że powinienem ponownie uruchomić komputer.
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I think I should restart my computer.
Przepraszam za spóźnienie.
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I'm sorry for being late.
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everybody / everyone
Nic nie rozumiem.
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I don't understand anything.
Nikogo nie słyszałem.
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I didn't hear anybody.
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to hear - heard - heard
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jej włosy
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her hair
Ona nic nie powiedziała.
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She didn't say anything.
Ona nic nie mówi.
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She doesn't say anything.
Nic nie widzę.
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I don't see anything. / I see nothing.
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to choose - chose - chosen
wymarzone miejsce podróży
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dream destination
My dream destination is Bali.
Chciałbym pojechać na Bali.
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I'd like to go Bali.
Moim marzeniem jest pojechać na Bali.
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My dream is to go to Bali.
Chciałbym spróbować skoków spadochronowych.
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I'd like to try skydiving.
niesamowity, niewiarygodny, WOW
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It was mind-blowing.

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