Patrycja Sz - Vocabulary 108 - everyday English

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Nauczyciel mojego syna jest Polakiem
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My son's teacher is Polish
ewentualnie, alternatywnie
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optionally, alternatively
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ostatecznie/ w końcu
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finally / eventually
Jest kilka piosenek z lat dziewięćdziesiątych, które lubię
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There are a few songs from the nineties that I like
dyskutować o
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discuss about
być w stanie/móc
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be able to
Zaczekajmy do jutra
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Let's wait until tomorrow
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to confirm
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To nie zabierze długo
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It won't take long
Chciała byc blisko mamy
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She wanted to be close to her mother.
Chciała być u niej na rękach
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She wanted to be in her arms
Monika chciała ją nosić na rękach
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Monika wanted to carry her in her arms
Monika musiała ja przytulić
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Monika had to hug her
Nie mogłam mówić
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I couldn't speak

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