Patrycja 27th Nov

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question réponse
Czy to jasne?
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Is it clear?
Ile masz lat?
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How old are you?
Ile lat ma Twoja siostra?
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How old is your sister?
Ile lat ma Twoja siostra?
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How old is your sister?
Elwana ma 10 lat.
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Elwana is 10 (years old).
jeszcze nie
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not yet
Ile lat ma twój brat?
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How old is your brother?
Moja mama ma 37 lat.
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My mum is 37.
Mój chłopak ma 19 lat.
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My boyfriend is 19.
Ile lat ma twoja córka?
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How old is your daughter?
Gdzie mieszkasz?
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Where do you live?
stolicą Litwy jest Wilno
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the capital of Lithuania is Vilnius
Jaki jest twój pierwszy język?
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What's your first language?
Moim pierwszym językiem jest polski.
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My first language is Polish.
W jakich językach mówisz?
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What languages do you speak?
na zdrowie
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bless you
Codziennie chodzę do szkoły.
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Every day I go to school.
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to write - wrote - written
wstać z łóżka
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to get up - got - got up
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to sell - sold - sold
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to buy - bought - bought
Codziennie ona je śniadanie.
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She eatS breakfast every day.

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