Patrycja 19th Feb

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question réponse
Dawno się nie widzieliśmy.
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Long time no see.
około trzech tygodni
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around three weeks
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prawie miesiąc
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almost a month
prawie rok
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almost a year
prawie tydzień
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almost a week
Dobrze się bawiłeś?
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Did you have fun?
Baw się dobrze!
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Have fun!
Miłego dnia.
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Have a nice day.
Miłego weekendu.
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Have a nice weekend.
Miłego tygodnia.
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Have a nice week.
Miłego wieczoru.
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Have a nice evening.
Dobrze się bawiłaś w Egipcie?
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Did you have fun in Egypt?
Pojechałem do Egiptu.
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I went to Egypt.
Pojechałem do Egiptu na wakacje.
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I went to Egypt on holiday.
Z kim poszedłeś/pojechałeś?
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Who did you go with?
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Pojechałem do Egiptu z rodziną.
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I went to Egypt WITH my family.
rodzeństwo (bracia i siostry)
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spędzać (czas)
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to spend - spent - spent
Ile dni spędziłeś w Egipcie?
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How many days did you spend in Egypt?
Ja spędziłam 10 dni w Egipcie.
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I spent 10 days in Egypt.
Oni spędzili we Francji 5 dni.
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They spent 5 days in France.
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My nie spędziliśmy 20 dni w Egipcie.
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We didn't spend 20 days in Egypt.
Czy pojechałeś do Egiptu samochodem?
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Did you go to Egypt by car?
My polecieliśmy do Egiptu samolotem.
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We went to Egypt by plane.
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to go by plane
My pojechaliśmy do Niemiec pociągiem.
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We went to Germany by train.
pojechać samochodem
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to go by car
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pojechać autobusem
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to go by bus
My nie pojechaliśmy do Polski autobusem.
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We didn't go to Poland by bus.
Jak długo trwał lot?
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How long was the flight?
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a flight
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jak długo?
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how long?
Lot trwał 5 godzin.
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The flight was 5 hours.
Lot trwał 4 godziny i 25 minut.
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The flight was 4 hours and 25 minutes.
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a pen
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a lesson
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4 godziny
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4 hours
25 minut
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25 minutes
Co robiłaś w Egipcie?
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What did you do in Egypt?
Opalałam się.
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I was sunbathing.
opalać się
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to sunbathe
Opalam się.(teraz)
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I am sunbathing.
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I am reading.
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I was reading.
Oglądam film teraz.
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I'm watching a film now.
Oglądałem film.
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I was watching a film.
Obejrzałem film.
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I watchED a film.
co jeszcze?
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what else?
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I was swimming.
oba / obaj / obie / oboje
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-Which book do you want? - I want both.

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