Patrycja 11th Sept

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question réponse
Jak się masz?
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How are you? / How are you doing?
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a month / months
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a year /years
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zwykle / zazwyczaj
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Często chodzę do kina.
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I often go to the cinema.
Raz w tygodniu chodzę na basen.
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Once a week I go to the pool.
Nigdy nie pijesz kawy.
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You never drink coffee.
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a bed
nie spiesz się
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take your time
Oglądam teraz film.
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I'm watching a film now.
Codziennie oglądam filmy.
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I watch films every day.
Czytam teraz książkę.
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I'm reading A book now.
Codziennie czytam książki.
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I read books every day.
Chodzę do kina dwa razy w miesiącu.
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I go to the cinema twice a month.
Idę teraz do kina.
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I'm going to the cinema now.
Gram w piłkę nożną raz w miesiącu.
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I play football once a month.
Gram teraz w piłkę nożną.
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I'm playing football now.
Teraz jem lunch.
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I'm eating lunch now.
Codziennie jem lunch.
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I eat lunch every day.
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