Patricija 21st Sept

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question réponse
Jak się masz?
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How are you doing? / How are you?
Jest środa.
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It's Wednesday.
Jakie jest twoje ulubione warzywo?
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What's your favourite vegetable?
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a notebook
Co jest Twoim ulubionym ...?
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What's your favourite ...?
Jaki jest Twój ulubiony sport?
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What's your favourite sport?
Jaki jest twój ulubiony owoc?
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What's your favourite fruit?
Moim ulubionym owocem jest banan.
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My favourite fruit IS a banana.
Pozwól, że pomyślę.
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Let me think.
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an onion
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a cucumber
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To łóżko jest wygodne.
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This bed is comfortable.
Podobają mi się twoje meble.
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I like your furniture.
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a chair
dla Twojej informacji
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FYI / for your information
Ona nigdy nie wstaje o 5:00.
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She never gets up at 5.
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Nie mówię po francusku.
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I don't speak French.
Ona nie pije kawy.
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She doesn't drink coffee.
Nie mieszkamy w Wilnie.
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We don't live in Vilnius.
Mój przyjaciel nie pracuje w piątki.
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My friend doesn't work on Fridays.
ON + dni tygodnia
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ON + days of the week
W poniedziałki
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ON Mondays
w każdy poniedziałek
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every Monday
w każdy piątek
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every Friday
Moja siostra czyta codziennie.
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My sister reads every day.
Czy ona codziennie ogląda telewizję?
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Does she watch tv every day?
Marta nie pije herbaty dwa razy dziennie.
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Marta doesn't drink tea twice a day.

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