Patricija 14th Sept

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question réponse
To był dobry dzień.
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It was a good day.
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What's the difference between them?
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I forgot.
inny OD czegoś / różny
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different FROM sth
American English is significantly different FROM British English.
Jaka jest różnica między nimi?
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What's the difference between them?
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a sentence
uczyć się
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to learn / to study
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to wash
iść na spacer
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to walk / to have a walk / to go for a walk
oglądać telewizję
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to watch tv
Jestem głodny.
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I'm hungry.
Ty jesteś chory.
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You are sick.
On jest mądry.
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He's smart.
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smart / clever
Jesteśmy zmęczeni.
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We're tired.
Oni są wysocy.
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They are tall.
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to cry
Byłam smutna.
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I was sad.
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Oni byli spragnieni.
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They were thirsty.
Jesteś zmęczony?
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Are you tired?
On jest chory.
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He is sick.
Czy on jest chory?
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Is he sick?
Oni są zmęczeni.
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They are tired.
Ty byłeś głodny.
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You were hungry.
Byłeś głodny?
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Were you hungry?
Moja mama była smutna.
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My mum was sad.
Czy twoja mama była smutna?
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Was your mum sad?
Tomek raz w tygodniu gra w koszykówkę.
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Tomek playS basketball once a week.
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Ona ogląda telewizję codziennie.
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She watches tv every day.

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