part 5

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question réponse
bezposrednio przypisywany władzom lokalnym
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directly imputable to the local authorities
renta dla osob niepełnosprawnych
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disability pension
przymusowe) zaginiecie
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(forced) disappearance
postepowanie dyscyplinarne
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disciplinary proceedings
ujawnienie tozsamosci
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disclosure of identity
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wydalenie ze służby cywilnej
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dismissal from civil service
oddalenie odwolania / apelacji
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dismissal of appeal on points of law
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zdanie odrębne
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dissenting opinion
rozwiazanie (stowarzyszenia, partii)
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dissolution (of an association, political party)
dowod z dokumentu
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documentary evidence
prawo krajowe
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domestic legislation
ponowne sądzenie/ karnie w tej samej sprawie
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double jeopardy
uzaleznieni od narkotykow
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drug addicts
obowiazki i odpowiedzialnosc
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duties and responsibilities
radca prawny
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duty solicitor

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