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refutable (możliwy do odrzucenia) commencer à apprendre
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When the country was attacked, the army did what it could to defend its citizens. commencer à apprendre
Als das Land attackiert wurde, tat das Militär alles, was in seiner Macht lag, um die Bürger zu verteidigen.
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parking control attendant commencer à apprendre
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respect, way, meaning, purpose commencer à apprendre
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streichen, strich, gestrichen
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auf frischer Tat ertappen
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administration/ pipeline/ wire commencer à apprendre
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fürchterliche Kopfschmerzen
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literally, word for word, verbatim commencer à apprendre
the livelihood, basis of existence commencer à apprendre
the constitutional complaint commencer à apprendre
die Verfassungsbeschwerde
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abschwächen | sich abschwächen
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Everyone needs essential things like air, water, and food. commencer à apprendre
Jeder braucht wesentliche Dinge wie Sauerstoff, Wasser und Essen.
to prevail, to gain acceptance commencer à apprendre
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socially deprived households commencer à apprendre
sozial schwächere Haushalte
socially deprived households commencer à apprendre
sozial schwächere Haushalte
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der Wohnraum, die Wohnungen
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to be entitled to something commencer à apprendre
der Anspruch auf etwas (akk) haben
the building land, development side commencer à apprendre
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öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln
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the economy expert, adviser commencer à apprendre
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succeed, succeeded, succeeded commencer à apprendre
gelingen, gelang, ist gelungen
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the occupancy (number of people) commencer à apprendre
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eine Entscheidung treffen
include - included - included commencer à apprendre
einschließen - schloss ein - habe eingeschlossen
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the fellow student, classmate commencer à apprendre
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eine Unterschiede feststellen
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MP (Member of Parliament) commencer à apprendre
to form a coalition, to ally with commencer à apprendre
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received, received, received commencer à apprendre
erhalten, erhielt, hat erhalten
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stay away from, keep your hands off something commencer à apprendre
die Finger von etwas lassen
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to wrap sth up, it's all done and dusted commencer à apprendre
unter Dach und Fach bringen
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the accusation, allegation commencer à apprendre
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Würde es Ihnen etwas ausmachen...
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the surface, support, document commencer à apprendre
the traffic jam, accumulation commencer à apprendre
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der Vorsatz fürs neue Jahr
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permanent employment / permanent employment commencer à apprendre
die Festanstellung/ die Dauerbeschäftigung
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snappy, mordant, sarcastic commencer à apprendre
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Try to cook it on your own. commencer à apprendre
Versuch selbst das zu kochen.
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The rebels invaded and the residents were forced to flee their town. commencer à apprendre
Die Aufständischen sind in die Stadt eingedrungen und die Einwohner mussten fliehen.
to negotiate the contract terms commencer à apprendre
die Vertragsbedingungen aushandeln
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Thank you, the same to you. commencer à apprendre
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to account for sth (stanowić) commencer à apprendre
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to hold on to, to stick to sth commencer à apprendre
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the vacancy, vacant property commencer à apprendre
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The differences are becoming more significant commencer à apprendre
Die Schere geht auseinander
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on local, regional and national level commencer à apprendre
Kommunen, Bundesländer und der Bund
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take legal action against commencer à apprendre
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to launch (a product), to put on the market (property) commencer à apprendre
Commentary, opinion, statement about commencer à apprendre
to enjoy great popularity commencer à apprendre
sich großen Zuspruchs erfreuen
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