Oxford Word Skills - U1

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zmysł, wyczucie, rozsądek
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He had the good sense to book a seat in advance
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The words phase and stage are synonymous and they are interchangeable.
nie jasny, dwuznaczny
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If something is ambiguous has more than one possible meaning
dwuznaczność, niejasność
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Legal documents must be free of ambiguity
papier do pakowania prezentów
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Gift wrapping paper is the best idea to decorate present.
zapakować prezent w papier
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Wrap the gift in paper before you give it to Renata
niejasny, nieprzeźroczysty, niezrozumiały
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Technical jargon can be opaque to many of clients
nie wymagający wyjaśnień
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The best user interfaces are self-explanatory
prawie, zupełnie, praktyczne
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Twins are virtually the same.
maskować, ukryć, chować
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Thier love they had to conceal from others.
ograniczenie, przymus
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Time constraints make it impossible to do everything
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The irony is that now he's retired, he's busier than ever
odrobina ironi
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trace of irony / hint of irony
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To treat someone unpleasant, use sarcasm
wyśmiewać się/kpić
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Children at the school used to make fun of her hair
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The curtain fell on her career is figurative
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His interpretation was too litera, That's the reason he got three.
obecny w użyciu
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Polish currency with an eagle on the coin is in current use.
starej daty, przestarzały
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He uses old-fashioned language as a way of insulting people
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How dare you insult me in front of my friends!
naśmiewać się kogoś
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If you are not good at poker, someone can poke fun at you.
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Shakespeare wrote in a literary way
kpić z kogoś
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He mocks them as Washington insiders
wlec się
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The child crawled across the floor
mieć wątpliwości
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She has second thoughts about staying with Marcus
być niezdecydowanym, wahać się
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Every time when I am in McDonalds, I'm in two minds about a burger I should take.
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I'm tied up this morning and I'm unable to do other things
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When I meditate it dawns on me
ukryty motyw
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Some guys have ulterior motives when they ask girl out.
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Thick slices of bread
ostatnia, rzecz o której myśle
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Right now, wedding is the last thing on my mind
wydostać się (z czegoś)
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I'd like to get out of poverty
cisnąć czymś, rzucić
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A track sent the car flying off the road
nie uwieżysz w to
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You're not gonna believe this, but...
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I was left dazed on the stage before the speach
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literacki, poetycki
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Write With Literary Flair
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I got upset when my teacher mocked the way I pronounced 'castle'
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I was left dazed and confused
sprawić / przekonać kogoś/coś do czegoś
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I finally got the car to start
pozostać świeżym, wystarczyć na jakiś czas
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We must eat the grapes - they won't keep. I'll have a sandwich. That will keep me going until lunchtime.
powiedzieć lub napisać coś w szczególny sposób
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It's hard to put your feelings into words
zmuszać/przyciskać kogoś do pracy
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Some parents push thier kids really hard
pozwolić komuś zająć się czymś
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We need to book seats on London. I'll leave that to you
obliczyć coś, przeliczyć czas
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He bought ten more chairs; I make that 25 now.
spowodować, że ktoś osiąga szczególne zdolności lub dochodzi do określonego miejsca
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What brings you here?
być sprzedawanym lub wyprodukowanym dodatkowym przedmiotem
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I'm sure the radio comes with batteries.
wystarczająco, albo do zaakceptowania w danej sytuacji
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Will these shoes do for the wedding

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